when this boy meets woooorrld!!

Aug 03, 2004 17:03

Ya, so I'm watching that show right now!..Gotta love the re-runs that Disney plays ..

So, second day of school ...I found out that people dont change really at all, and anytime you think they have..you're usually wrong ...and, the crazy thing is that I shouldn't have even believed or thought that *you* had in the first place...!

But, whatever - it's the second day of school, I'm a senior -- so my year IS going to be good, no GREAT!..Lunch was fun especially with Scotty.. and I actually got to see James F. ..twice today!!...Yay!! ...I saw him while I was on my way to 3rd and then he came in my lunch and stopped and talked to some people and when I seen him I literally freaked out!!...I went up to him - from behind and shoved him..and was like 'HEYYY JAMESSSS!!'...lol yes, I am a dork, but I don't care...because, I have fun!!..Jennifer got moved away from me in 5th pd...that made me sad..we now have assigned seats ..grr! lol - But I'm out for now!!..Kasey- rocs my sox!

happy sweet sixteen bday casey!! I love you!!

Things learned today!
+Scotty is literally crazy
-Don't EVER eat after him!!..
-People don't change NO matter how much you'd like them too..
+I ABSOLUTELY LOVE all of my classes!..
-/+The day goes by soo fast this year!
-I was late to Economics (1st pd) because I got there at 7;45 and It took me like 10 minutes to get my locker to work..and would have been longer if Josh hadn't have opened it..
-The commons ARE wayyy to crowded in the mornings ...!!! (the freshmen multiplied over the summer...majorly!)
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