Back to school

Aug 02, 2004 21:56

Back to school, to prove to daddy, I'm not a fool... today was the first day back to school ...I'ma senior baby!! ..

I think this school year is going to be pretty ..interesting to say .. I'm actually *happy* about my classes!..And my lunch ..I got 2nd which I wanted and (most) of my best friends are in it's all good..

Things we learned today..

+scotty is a pimp, who can get any girl he wants..
-Freshmens attitudes only get worse throughout the years..they really need to get that adjusted!
+dont tell kristie anything important real early in the moring..stupid blonde!!
- Lunch is shorter this year..
+Being a senior totally KICKS BUTT!
+the day goes by super fast this year...(not sure if thats good or not)
+Having the same friends all through out high-school and even before that a great thing when you become a senior...!

However, there are certain people who I though would actually mature over the summer...yea! I guess somethings never change!!..nuff said!

Then after school I went over to Kasey's house!! And we chilled over there for awhile! ... Had an interesting conversation!..Then I came back here...called James F. ..cos I heard some stuff that I was wondering about..then called Josh back...had a converstation...a good one! I'm happy!!

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