Florida Pictures.

Jul 16, 2007 13:02

Jon reading the safety brochure on the plane. He looks terrified, poor boy.

Random bird frolicking on the beach.

Brandon sitting on his car on Daytona Beach.

Young Derricko

Jon attempting to reinact Bay Watch.

Brandon + me.

Jon and Derrick wandering off to find a surfboard man.

Jon and I hand in hand running into the water.

O NOES! I fell!

Jon... STILL laughing.

Daytona Beach is NOTHING but hotel after hotel.

After the tide went down, Jon commenced in freezing in small water pools.

Derrick... obviously walking in an epic manner.


Brandon, being comical.

Derrick golfing. He lost.

Jon almost lost.

Anole. They're like grasshoppers over there. I get joy in calling the Anals, and then being corrected by Jon.

The DRAMATIC counting of our golf scores.

These men are comical.

I still think Jon should have bought the Guinness cowboy hat.
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