It's a special someone's day~

Sep 12, 2010 13:05


Since today is such a special occasion, I have the continuation of last year's fic, (yeah you should probably read that one first) in which Gakuto gets molested by someone else now. Not worksafe.

Gakuto pouted, heavily. Just a second ago he had Yuushi's hand down his pants promising all sorts of good things, and now he had nothing but the sound of his own rushed breaths and the creak of the closet door.

"I'll just... wait in here." Gakuto said as Yuushi left, leaning against the wall of the closet. There was no point going out to get the next person to molest him if he was just coming back in again, and he didn't want everyone to see his flushed face and open pants already. That was for them to touch, but only for seven minutes each. A horribly short seven minutes that Gakuto was too late in regretting.

He shifted uncomfortably just waiting for the next person, but luckily it was time to pull himself back together from how close Yuushi had gotten him. Sort of.

"Mukahi-san," was the stern greeting Gakuto got as a rather reluctant Hiyoshi was practically shoved inside.

Before Gakuto could answer, the door was shut at there was a thud against it, as if something very heavy was blocking it from opening. That was what finally got Gakuto grinning again. There was no way out.

Gakuto didn't wait any longer to press himself up against Hiyoshi, but his grin did slip when the kid didn't move. At all.

"Hiyooo," Gakuto whined, and decided that if Hiyoshi wasn't going to touch him, he'd touch him instead.

But before Gakuto's hands could crawl under the hem of that soft shirt, his wrists were caught in a firm grip, and he let out a gasp. As much as it was keeping him from moving his hands, Gakuto could help squirming, because that kind of force was hot.

Of course Hiyoshi wasn't doing anything else, and after another few moments Gakuto sighed and tried to struggle away, "Come on, do something already. They all think you're in here molesting me whether you are or not, so you might as well, right?"

More silence. Gakuto figured Hiyoshi was doing his talking through expressions thing, but with no light any disapproving looks were useless.

"Fuck, c'mon Hiyoshi. Please? It's my birthday." Gakuto finally relented, layering his voice with as much pout as he could. He even relaxed in defeat, just letting his arms droop in Hiyoshi's hold. Yeah, so maybe he really wanted Hiyoshi to touch him; he was full of all that compact strength, and was probably plenty capable of shoving Gakuto against something and fucking his brains out. Though not today, apparently. Gakuto sighed.

Of course, in sighing he masked Hiyoshi's own sigh of defeat, and as such a whimper of surprise was forced from Gakuto's throat as his wrists were pinned firmly against the wall above his head. After only a moment his body followed suit as Hiyoshi's warm, demanding body was pressed all along his own.

Gakuto moaned in appreciation, and even when their noses bumped and chins collided on the way to a kiss he couldn't help the shudder that ran through him at the feel of hot breath on his lips. Gakuto tilted his head enough to finally seal his lips with Hiyoshi's, and the wet slide of tongue against his own was all it took to get him as needy as he'd been before Yuushi left.

He squirmed against Hiyoshi's body, looking for friction in their hips and touch everywhere else. Of course, the latter was only found in the brush of their chests since both of their hands were still immobile above Gakuto's head. But that hardly stopped the press against his cock; painful when his open zipper was dragged against the sensitive skin, but so worth it when Gakuto's pants shifted out of the way to give the press of Hiyoshi's jeans instead.

The rough denim pressing and rubbing and brushing against his bare skin with every shift of his hips had Gakuto moaning into Hiyoshi's mouth, mumbling half-pleads and curses that were muffled by a tongue that got more and more demanding. Soon Gakuto was trembling, getting all the ravishment he'd been craving, though the desperate grind of his hips was just painful and raw enough that release was just a wish.

Eventually he couldn't even move his own hips, and was stuck with whatever drag and shove of Hiyoshi's hips he was given. This was because Hiyoshi had pinned Gakuto's hands even higher up the wall, lifting him firmly until Gakuto was stuck up on his toes. No balance, no leverage, and yet being helpless to do anything but take what Hiyoshi gave him had Gakuto whimpering louder than before.

He cried out at a particularly rough grind of Hiyoshi's hips, one that left Gakuto trembling even harder in pain and the pleasure of being so close that if there was just a little more, a little longer, a little anything he'd be chasing that pleasure over the edge.

But instead he was instantly released, toppling against the corner of the closet as he had no footing and no balance without the press of Hiyoshi's hands and body holding him up. Even his lips were left alone, with nothing but the cooling sensation from being so wet. Gakuto didn't know what was going on for a minute, but realized he must have missed the announcement of time being over, since he was soon squinting as a crack of light pierced into the closet.

Gakuto groaned in defeat and just slumped there against the wall, Hiyoshi's presence suddenly just the ache of his wrists and the burn of his still much too hard cock from all that rough stimulation. "Dammit."


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