FIC: OshiGaku, BDSM~

Jun 11, 2010 21:12

Title: Breathe
Characters: Oshitari Yuushi/Mukahi Gakuto
Warnings: BDSM, not worksafe, maybe a little squicky to some.
Summary: Gakuto finally gives in to letting Yuushi try something new with him.
Notes: We need more fics like this, therefore, here is more. This started with the first sentence and just evolved from there.

Gakuto was sixteen when he finally gave in. It wasn't like Yuushi was pressuring, at least not in so many words, but he'd asked about it, they'd talked about it, and ever since then whenever Gakuto found himself at Yuushi's house, in Yuushi's bed, that box was always right there, sitting in plain sight. It beckoned to Gakuto without Yuushi having to do anything else. It made him wonder what it would be like, how much it would hurt. He enjoyed the paddling, even liked the sting of the crop when Yuushi was purring at him, promising all sorts of ways to make up for the pain. But there had never been blood involved, never something like this.

All it took was a soft, hesitant, "Yuushi?" and Gakuto placing that box in his hands for Yuushi to know what he wanted. And that was how Gakuto found himself spread out on his stomach on Yuushi's bed, pillow clutched in his arms and tension radiating off of him so much that it ached.

"Gakuto?" Yuushi asked in concern, and Gakuto could hear the frown in his voice when Gakuto jumped at the touch of a hand on his back.

"It's okay, just do it." Gakuto managed, his face half buried in the pillow. But the next touch wasn't a pinch of pain, but Yuushi's other palm laying out on his shoulder.

Yuushi hummed in disapproval behind him, and his hands started squeezing Gakuto's shoulder, coaxing the tension out of them. "I won't until you're ready, Gakuto," that low voice drawled. His hands dragged over the back of Gakuto's neck, kneading at the skin and muscle. "And you're not ready until you relax. We don't have to do this today if you're not up to it."

Yuushi's voice was almost hypnotically soothing, but despite that Gakuto shook his head, "No," he said, voice tinged with frustration, "I want to. I want- Nnn..." His reply was cut off by the crack of his vertebrae popping, Yuushi's hands provided just the right amount of pressure as they traveled down Gakuto's spine, working the bones and nerves until Gakuto's back felt loose, tingling. He gave a satisfied moan as Yuushi's hands spread to his hips, and then back up his sides, soft and soothing. Yuushi's hands weren't soft themselves, but that made the touches all the more sensational; rough calluses stroking over his sides, his ribs.

By the time Yuushi's hands were back up to Gakuto's shoulders again he was melting against the bed. The heel of Yuushi's hand dug into a spot that had Gakuto groaning and whimpering, clutching the pillow like it would stop him from drifting apart at the release of tension and pain. "Yuushi," Gakuto moaned, his voice breathy as he squirmed against the sheets that felt so rough in comparison to the soft, silky tingle of his back. "Please..."

A kiss against his shoulder marked the disappearance of Yuushi's hands on Gakuto's back. He focused on breathing like he knew he was supposed to, but the anxiety was starting to twist at his stomach again, making it hard to keep his inhales deep and exhales smooth. The sound of cardboard scraping against itself; the box opening; grated against the relaxed state of Gakuto's mind, drawing those muscles tight again. But as he heard the plastic coming off, a new kind of anticipation settled itself somewhere below Gakuto's stomach, and he wiggled against the sheets.

"Yuushi?" Gakuto asked, the inaction between them drawing on too long for his nerves.

"I'm here," answered the soothing drawl, and when a hand touched Gakuto's back again it was with a different, rubbery texture. Gloves. "Are you ready?"

Gakuto took a moment to answer, sucking in a deep breath and taking mental stock of himself. When he let out the breath it was with a, "Yeah. I'm ready." He settled his head and shoulders more comfortably on the pillow, forcing himself to hold onto whatever was left of that massage to keep himself calm.

"Breathe," Yuushi ordered, and Gakuto obeyed. He took in another breath, fighting against the rapid beating of his heart in his chest and the anticipation that was close to overwhelming him. His skin, right above the shoulder blade was pinched up, held between two of Yuushi's rubbery fingers. When Gakuto couldn't take in any more breath he let it out, and this time the release of air was accompanied by a sharp bite to his skin, a needle quickly piercing through it.

It wasn't particularly painful, but that didn't stop Gakuto from trembling, knowing that the hypodermic needle was still there, sitting through his skin even when Yuushi's fingers released it. A gloved hand caressed his neck, and then down to the small of his back, coaxing the shaking away. "You're alright," Yuushi murmured, "Don't worry. Don't run from it, Gakuto. Feel it. Make it yours. Breathe."

Gakuto clung to Yuushi's voice, the words and simple commands guiding him back from the panic that was threatening to set in. He breathed, focusing on deep breaths still, and slowly relaxed his tight grip on the pillow. His curiosity finally broke free from the pounding of his heart, and he did try to feel it. There wasn't a lot of pain, just a pull, an unfamiliar tug on his skin, and once Gakuto started to remind himself that it wasn't unfamiliar but a needle that he wanted there, the frantic beating of his heart started to ebb. He focused on the slide of hand against his skin and the prick of pain, and when he realized that if he wanted sensation that pinch was hardly enough, he relaxed against the bed and nuzzled against the pillow.

"Do it again," he commanded.

The next needle was easier. Once again the prick above his shoulder blade came on an exhale, but this time Gakuto embraced the pain rather than letting the panic of something foreign in his skin get to him. Yuushi was constantly soothing, whether with touch or voice, and by the third needle Gakuto was melting into it. It wasn't that the pain was different, or that the ache of having something under his skin was any different, but it had a kind of rhythm to it; Yuushi's fingers, a quick bite of pain, and then the lull of Yuushi's voice and hands pulling him through it, accepting it.

Yuushi stopped when Gakuto's shoulder blade was framed around the two outer edges. Even though the first needle was starting to burn from being in his skin so long, when Yuushi asked if he wanted to continue Gakuto's answer was a quick, "Yeah. Don't stop."

This time when the needle bit into the skin on Gakuto's other side, mirroring the first, he actually moaned, arching up towards those gloved fingers. His quiver wasn't of anxiety, just adrenaline, just a wish that the spark of pain would last a little longer, a little harsher. "Do it slow, Yuushi," he begged, clutching at the pillow again. He was getting restless and needy, and the rough texture of the sheets against his aching cock wasn't helping.

The next needle, further towards his shoulder, was slower indeed. It took more pressure, more slow force for the needle to pierce into Gakuto's skin, a pain that had him holding his breath anxiously until the needle worked it's way back out through his skin. "Yuushi..." he groaned, shuddering when the breath finally left him. What should have been just pain was instead driving him crazy, and he rocked his hips against the sheets despite the drag against his sensitive skin. "Yuushi please," he groaned as another needle pushed into and out of his skin with slow, aching purpose. Gakuto was begging for something, anything to keep him from bursting apart.

And then Yuushi shifted, leaning his body closer, but more importantly sliding the smooth skin of his kneeling thigh between Gakuto's legs. Gakuto absently lifted his hips up to accommodate it, and when he settled back down that strong leg was right up against his cock, cool against the heated, sensitive skin. The touch brought Gakuto's deep breaths into panting, interspersed with whimpers and moans from the pierced of metal through the skin of his back.

The needles nearing his side had more of a bite due to the nerve endings there, but despite the increased pain, or more likely because of it, Gakuto found himself grinding his hips against Yuushi's thigh adding much more pleasure to the pain. Gakuto's mouth was open as he panted, mouth half against the pillow and eyes tightly shut. He felt like he was floating, just feeling and taking and waiting for that something that would send him soaring higher, or crashing back down.

The trail of Yuushi's finger across the plastic ends of the needles seemed to be just that. Forgotten pain and sensation flared up all at once, and Gakuto cried out. His hips jolted against Yuushi's thigh in surprise, release slamming into him until he was dizzy with the pleasure. His entire existence was gone, focused instead on sensation. No longer was his body holding him back, and when Yuushi slid his fingers across the needles again Gakuto didn't notice he was screaming until Yuushi's hands rested on his lower back, pulling him down into awareness.

"Shh, it's alright, just relax," Yuushi said while Gakuto shuddered, slowly coming back to himself. "Breathe," Yuushi reminded him.

Gakuto did so, changing his gulps of air back into deep breaths, and he lay boneless, somehow exhausted against the bed.

"Alright now?" That deep voice asked, and Yuushi's hands were once again stroking down his back.

Gakuto could only answer with a moan, but eventually nodded as well. The ache of the needles was strangely distant compared to how a moment again it had been everything, but Gakuto couldn't say that was any worse a sensation than when he was enjoying the prick of them into his skin.

"I'm going to take them out now, but just relax and lay there. I've got you, it's alright."

Gakuto nodded again, and hummed when Yuushi's thigh slid out from underneath him. When that first needle left, Gakuto whimpered, the ghost of sensation left behind was just as strange as when it had been in his skin. Because it was so strangely empty not having the tug on his skin, Gakuto still felt like he was floating as the needles came out. Once in a while he'd feel a warm trickle towards the center of his back, before Yuushi wiped away what was probably blood with a washcloth.

"Yuushi?" Gakuto asked softly, feeling lost when all the needles were out of one side. He rolled his shoulder experimentally, the pain less but still there despite nothing 'causing it anymore. The worry started to stir up again, not helped by how disoriented Gakuto still felt.

"You're alright," Yuushi repeated, sliding a hand around Gakuto's stomach. Being held, even though it was light, did help Gakuto to relax again, and he slowly slumped back onto the pillow. A kiss was placed on Gakuto's neck, and the caress on his hip helped soothe him too. "Can I take the rest out now?" Yuushi asked, his voice ever soft and gentle.

"Yeah," Gakuto agreed. He finally closer to being back to himself, and along with that the ache of the needles was becoming an annoyance. Yuushi removed the rest of the needles methodically before gently wiping Gakuto's entire upper back with the washcloth.

"Yuushi," Gakuto asked again when he'd finally managed to sit up. He was leaning forward lightly on Yuushi's chest, but rather than finally looking into those glasses, his eyes were on the pile of used hypodermic needles inside a plastic disposal box. "Next time, I want to see it."

Yuushi hummed; his hand, now free of the glove, caressing Gakuto's back. "Next time I want to see you," he replied, leaning down to kiss Gakuto's temple.

"Alright," Gakuto agreed. He noticed that Yuushi was carefully avoiding the needle holes while he stroked Gakuto's back, so Gakuto gently reached around to slide his hand up, right along the line of them. Yuushi smiled down at him, and Gakuto gave a self-satisfied smirk of his own, glad to be able to speak with confidence. "Next time you can do it anywhere you want."

fic, pot

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