I'm in trouble!

Jun 20, 2008 20:34

So Puff is 7 months old, as of Tuesday. He decided within the past week or two to learn to crawl, albeit still slowly, and to pull himself up on things. I give him another 2 weeks or so before he's going full speed ahead with the crawling - or some other way of getting around. He loves to walk holding on to your fingers so much, sometimes he just cries until you help him go.

I can already tell that when he's completely mobile he's going to be into EVERYTHING! Snuffy was never a climber and didn't really get into things that we told her not to. I don't think we are going to be so lucky this time around.

While we still have the house setup to be small child friendly, it's a complete disaster and there are things all over the place we are going to need to figure out what to do with so Puff isn't in danger.

He's definitely making sure he holds his own next to his big sister. Snuffy wants to watch "trains" on the computer now - got to run!
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