Mar 09, 2008 23:33
Hello everyone.
I know it's been a while since I posted - since before my little man was born - I'll refer to him as Puff!
We've had a bit of a long haul of it over the past few months - and just as things start to get under control, I have to go back to work. I should be in bed now, but this time change has come at the absolute worst possible time!
I am a wreck about going back to work. I wasn't this bad when I had to go back after having Snuffy. I think some of it is I have so much more fun playing with her now - and some of it is feeling I was robbed of a month of time with them. That's because I got a staph infection in my c-section incision a couple weeks after coming home with Puff. I had to have the incision opened in three places and drained and then a nurse come every day to change the packing - not something you can do on your own. That lasted until just before Christmas. So I had an extra 6 weeks of recovery, on top of the normal c-section recovery. It wasn't until mid-January that I really was able to do some things on my own and February was when I finally was able to see that I could take care of two kids on my own. Not that I'm on my own, but I think most mom's know that it feels that way sometimes.
So I want more time - and I don't want to go back to work - and I don't want to go back to my job. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm letting myself imagine it will be. But only time will tell. Snuffy definitely knows something is changing - she is such a sensitive soul and really can sense these things. Hopefully she'll adjust well - but since Mike is in tech this week it's shaping up to be a long week...
I hate that my first post in a long time is like this. I love my two wonderful children - and can't wait for alaria's 2nd little man to arrive!