Title: Downtime Character: Sam Genre: Gen, preseries Rating: G Word count: 100 Summary: Hunting doesn't come with vacation time. A/N: For the prompt: "a day off" at supernatural100 . #14 for 365 drabbles.
Every once in a while I get a burst of Sam empathy. I guess the obsessed (and certain of their children) choose hunting. And they try to keep the mistakes to a minimum. It's impossible to not make any though, and I can certainly see why Sam headed for the hills. Of Palo Alto.
If he’s five minutes late here, his brother won’t end up comatose for three days. Such a telling statement. It's a heady responsibility to be your brother's back up, to save lives. His "downtime" at Stanford was what Sam needed very badly.
Wheee! Thank you, I'm always glad when I can get someone to read a drabble!
Hunting's not for everyone and Sam tried so hard to make another life for himself. He was never going to be allowed to have it though, sooner or later it all had to come crashing down.
Damn. So much pain, in so few words that on the surface don't even combine in a hurtful manner. But I feel it, for Sam - and for Dean (being left alone with John and that life). Young Sammy, all that weight of the Hunter's Life on his shoulders, when all he wanted was "normal". For future Sam, that he wasn't destined to have that.
Thank you. Hunting's a life for someone who's been devastated by evil, and even though Sam was, he really has no idea what he'd lost. All he knew was that he was in a life that he hated and he needed to get out.
Too bad he only made it out for a little while. :(
Comments 24
Loved this. Thanks!
Hunting's not for everyone and Sam tried so hard to make another life for himself. He was never going to be allowed to have it though, sooner or later it all had to come crashing down.
But I feel it, for Sam - and for Dean (being left alone with John and that life).
Young Sammy, all that weight of the Hunter's Life on his shoulders, when all he wanted was "normal". For future Sam, that he wasn't destined to have that.
Very nicely done.
Too bad he only made it out for a little while. :(
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