Title: Downtime
Character: Sam
Genre: Gen, preseries
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Hunting doesn't come with vacation time.
A/N: For the prompt: "a day off" at
supernatural100 .
#14 for 365 drabbles.
The family business, Dean calls it. To Dad it’s the job. Sam thinks that’s bullshit. Hunting isn’t his business, family or otherwise, and it’s definitely not a job. Jobs come with time off.
At Stanford, Sam gets shifts at the campus bookstore. If he’s five minutes late here, his brother won’t end up comatose for three days. He needs to know where the Latin section is, not use it to banish angry spirits. And it’s closed on Sundays.
On his downtime, he plays intramural soccer with friends he gets to keep. No weapons, no research, no fear. Not ever again.