
Oct 21, 2010 07:12

Title: Forever
Author: tifaching
Pairing:  Alastair/Dean
Rating:  R
Summary:  Hell means eternal torment
Word Count: 100
A/N:  For my lovely a_phoenixdragon on the occasion of her birthday.  Happy birthday, BB!

It’s hot and wet and it never dries because there’s always more of it.  Always more.

Like a blanket it covers you from head to toe, pooling across the floor.

You can’t breathe and you’re choking, drowning but you can’t die and it never ends.   Never ends

You’re bound, wrists tight behind your back, ankles manacled to the floor, on your knees forever.  Forever.

A hand tangles in your hair, pulls you further onto the length of flesh eternally suffocating you.

The soul above shrieks, fresh blood cascades down and Alastair spews dark fluid, scorching your throat, annihilating your soul.

dark!fic, alastair/dean, drabble, torture, dean, hell!fic, alastair, rating: r, non-con

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