
Oct 04, 2010 07:29


Sam’s been fucking Dean for hours and, staring down into his brother’s pain-filled, sweat-slicked face, he’s suddenly ravenous.  Dean looks delicious like this.

Sam runs his tongue up Dean’s arm, then teeth tear into flesh.  Dean screams and thrashes beneath him, but Sam just enjoys the sensations as he swallows his brother down.  Sam laps at the blood, moves to another spot to continue his meal.

Sam forces blood drenched kisses upon his brother’s gasping mouth, then fucks into it, come and gore flooding Dean’s throat.   He nips at Dean’s cock, mouths his nipples.

I’ll be back tonight for dessert.

Next: Inferno

torture, hurt!dean, acoustics 'verse, evil!sam/dean, wincest, non-con, nc/17

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