The Price Part 3

Aug 31, 2009 15:13

Title: The Price Part 3
Pairing: None this chapter
Rating: Adult
Summary: Dean made a deal with the police to keep Sam from being arrested. It was supposed to be a one time thing, but the cops want more.
Warning: Mention of non-con
Disclaimer: SPN belongs to the CW and Kripke. I just play for fun.
Icon by the amazing loolookitty Part one here.

Sam let Dean sleep for six hours, unwilling to wake him up, when what he'd wake up to was an unchanged situation. The cops were still outside watching the house and neither Bobby nor Dad had called back. Sam kept an eye on the situation out the window and half-heartedly made himself something to eat. He left most of the pot of soup on the stove for when Dean woke up, hoping that he could get his brother to eat something easy on his throat. He also went through their drug supply and found some heavy duty pain killers. He didn't think Dean would take them, but he wanted them handy just in case. Finally, unable to keep his eyes open any longer he went into the bedroom to wake Dean.

Dean was still in basically the same position Sam left him in. On his stomach, with one hand fisted into the blankets and the other hidden under his pillow. He was twitching in his sleep, letting out little whimpers and Sam knew Dean would be mortified at Sam seeing him like this, even though he'd seen something much worse last night. Sam walked to the foot of the bed, staying well away from Dean's hand under the pillow and was reaching out to shake his leg when he caught sight of Dean's pale face and dark circled eyes. He decided to let his exhausted, traumatized brother continue to sleep, dreams or no dreams. Sam was exhausted himself, but there was no way he'd  wake Dean up so he could sit in pain, alone and afraid (not that Dean would ever admit that), while Sam slept. Sam would sit alone and afraid and mad as hell and let Dean be oblivious for as long as possible. He'd brew up a pot of extra strong coffee and work up a plan just in case Bobby and Dad didn't get here in time.

Sam returned to the kitchen and put the coffee on. He thought about what Dean had said earlier. Getting themselves out of town wouldn't be that hard. Stowing away in the back of a delivery truck was something they had done more than a few times. The problem was the Impala. There was no way they could leave it here with the trunk full of weapons and supplies and no way they could pack all the weapons and supplies out on their backs when they ran. Dean had said he had a plan to take care of that, but that it would involve Bobby getting there to help them out. If Bobby didn't come, they would have no choice but to take their chances trying to drive out themselves. That would require a diversion to get some of the cops away from their checkpoints on the roads out of town. Diversions were something Sam could work with. Between his Dad and Dean, Sam had seen some doozies. He just had to figure out what would work and where would be the best place to do it.

Sam drank coffee and plotted until he thought his head would explode. When he came up with an plan to steal fertilizer and a truck to blow up the police station with, he thought that maybe he needed to take a break. Not that blowing up the police station would be a bad thing, but getting everything together in just a few days would be impossible. And basically he just wanted to kill the cops who had hurt Dean. And whoever else might be involved in all the shit the cops in this town seemed to get away with. He didn't want to kill clerks and janitors and prisoners.

Sam dropped his aching head into his hands and closed his eyes. Maybe a fake pipe bomb in the school bathroom. Maybe setting off a box of blanks with a timer near the bank or town hall. Anything he could set up and then be home with Dean, waiting to take off when it hit the fan and the cops came to investigate. As long as the other cops were busy, they could deal with the ones watching the house. Somehow. Sam's head dropped further. He'd been awake for over thirty hours and while his night hadn't been as bad as his brother's, the stress and terror were taking their toll. He jerked his head up and lurched to his feet. As much as he hated to do it, he knew the drill. When you're in hostile territory one person on watch at all times was John Winchester's rule. Sam had to admit it was another thing his father was right about. It had saved their lives more than once and he wasn't about to risk a surprise attack while he and Dean were both asleep.

Sam made his way to Dean's room and paused in the doorway. Dean was sleeping more peacefully now, but one hand was still under the pillow. Sam moved forward and gently shook Dean's ankle. Dean woke instantly and whipped his knife out from under the pillow, only relaxing when his gaze found Sam backed up against the wall.

"Sorry, Sammy," he mumbled, dropping his eyes. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Not scared," Sam replied. "Just cautious. And tired. I'm sorry, Dean but I can't stay awake any more. I tried..."

Dean looked at his watch and then back at Sam with a thunderous expression. "What the hell, Sam" he rasped. "You were supposed to wake me up four hours ago."

"You needed to sleep and I'm not going to fight with you about it." Sam moved toward the door. "I'm going to bed now. There's some soup on the stove and fresh coffee. Try to eat something."

Sam stopped in the doorway and looked anxiously back at Dean. "And what you said before? I don't think that Dean. You weren't asking for it. How can you think I'd think you'd like it like that? They took you and you only let them because if you didn't they'd take me instead. That's not free will, that's coercion. Rape. It wasn't just sex and it wasn't your fault. If you want to blame someone besides those damn cops you can blame me. I did this. It's my fault and if you want to hate someone you should hate me. I already hate myself for getting you into this. Do.." Sam hesitated, " do you need any help before I turn in?"

Dean stiffened and his expression blank. "I'm fine, Sam. I can take care of myself. Don't need anybody nursemaiding me, bitch."

Tears were running down Sam's cheeks again as he turned and disappeared into his own room, closing the door behind him.

Dean just lay there for a moment, staring at Sam's door, before slowly rolling over and climbing to his feet. If Sam was sleeping, he needed to be on watch, and he couldn't do that from his bedroom. He made his way stiffly down the hall and into the living room, where he could see the stakeout car from the window. He went to the kitchen and stared disinterestedly at the pot of soup before pouring himself a mug of coffee. The painkillers remained untouched on the table. His head was messed up enough already, he didn't need the added complication of drugs. He'd live with the pain, not like it'd be the first time. It hurt too much to sit, but he settled himself sideways on the couch and busied himself sharpening knives and cleaning his gun while he kept an eye on the enemy. Bobby would call soon, he had to. And Dad. Dad would have called by now if he could have. His hunt was a least a two day drive away even driving straight through. If he got the message that would be the soonest they could expect him.

It had been late afternoon when Sam had woken him up and now the light outside was fading into darkness. There were no outside lights on the house and the nearest streetlamp was too far away to be any help. If he left the lights on in the house, he'd be visible to his watchers, while they remained hidden by the dark. Dean got up and grabbed a flashlight and another mug of coffee. The knot in his stomach hadn't lessened with time and the prospect of sitting in the dark, unable to see the enemy was making it cramp painfully. He didn't know if he could stay awake for an hour with no light and nothing but his thoughts to keep him occupied, never mind all night. He wanted to let Sam sleep as long as possible because, even though Sam will fight him on it, he wanted him in school tomorrow. Wanted him somewhere public. Somewhere away from Dean in case the cops come for him. Everyone in this town can't be corrupt and he hoped the school would offer Sam some protection.

Full darkness fell and Dean felt suffocated by the blackness. He kept his eyes on the nothing outside the window, hoping for a sign of movement or glint of light to tell him the cops were on the move. Too late he remembered that there were night vision goggles in the Impala. There was no way in hell he was going out there now. His eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness and every once in a while the flash of a lighter and the glow of a cigarette gave away the cops location. Only one at a time though. The other cop could be anywhere while his partner was holding Dean's attention with the cigarette. Dean imagined the other cop on the porch, his own night adjusted eyes staring at him through the window and he clamped down on those thoughts in a hurry. He'd been alone in the dark with werewolves and black dogs and angry spirits. He can handle a human cop. Or so he tried to tell himself. Werewolves and black dogs and angry spirits had never...had never...the thought wouldn't finish and he nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone began to ring.

"Dad?" Dean hated the desperation in his voice and the way it cracked as he spoke, but he hated even more the crushing mix of despair and relief when he heard Bobby's voice on the other end of the line.

"No, son it's Bobby. I got your message. What's the trouble?'' Bobby's voice was hesitant. Dean didn't sound this way ever. If he was admitting to needing his daddy this bad, the trouble must be something spectacular.

Dean could hear the caution in Bobby's tone and couldn't stand the thought that Bobby needed to deal with his weakness right now. He locked himself down and got control over his voice at least, happy that Bobby couldn't see his face.

"The cops in this town are dicks is the trouble." Dean was pretty sure he wasn't telegraphing his frayed nerves in his voice any more. "Arrested Sam on some bullshit charge and were ready to lock his ass up in juvie."

"Sam got arrested?" In any other circumstances the surprise in Bobby's voice would have amused Dean. Sam getting arrested was definitely not something the older man would have considered to be the trouble. Usually it was Dean who could be counted on to run afoul of the law. Now, however, Dean couldn't keep the sharpness out of his reply.

"Yes, Sam got arrested. He was being a pissy bitch and thought he knew better than Dad and it came back to bite him in the ass." Bite me in the ass.

"O.k., kid take it easy. Is Sam in jail?" Bobby's voice took on his "in charge" tone. Dean was freaked out over something and it wasn't going to help the situation any if Bobby couldn't get him calmed down.

"No, no they didn't lock him up. He's here with me, asleep."

"Asleep? Dean, it's barely eight o'clock. What's he doing asleep so early? Is he sick?" Bobby's voice took on a darker tone. "Is he hurt? Boy, did those cops hurt your brother?"

"No, Bobby they didn't hurt him. They were going to if I hadn't shown up, but I got there in time. We had a rough night afterward. Sam was pretty upset." Dean was a master at not saying what he means. "They threatened to come back though. The cops in this town are as dirty as they come. What they want... I don't want them anywhere near my brother."

"Haven't been able to reach your dad?"

"No, just got his voicemail and we haven't heard from him yet."

"I'm guessing if you could just up and leave, you would have done that already. What's the problem?"

"There's not many ways out of town and the cops are watching all of them. If Dad still had the car, we could just pack our stuff and sneak out in a delivery truck, but he gave her to me. We've got a lot of supplies and weapons in the car and we can't just take off and leave them. We have to get the car out and Sam. Once that's taken care of I'll get out and we'll arrange a place to meet up."

"Why can't we get you and Sam out at the same time? They're going to a lot of trouble to keep a couple of kids in town. I can't but think they won't be too happy if he's gone and they can still find you."

"They're watching us, Bobby," and there it was again. Dean cursed himself silently at the tremor he could hear in his voice. "If they have eyes on me, they're not going to be thinking that Sam will run. He's going to be in school and I'm going to be in plain sight. By the time they realize he's gone, I'll be on my way out of town too. I can give them the slip no problem if I don't have the car or Sam to worry about."

"I hope you're right about that, boy. There's a lot here you ain't tellin' me. Like how I'm supposed to get your car out of town and your brother out of school." And what the hell is really going on. Bobby didn't let that last thought out. Dean couldn't be pushed into letting Bobby in on the truth of what was really going on, but he trusted the kid to let him know anything he needed to know for the mission to be successful.

"I thought maybe you could rig up a fake bill of sale for the car. Come and pick her up on a flatbed or something. Say Dad ran out of money wherever he is and sold her to you. I'll make a big fuss over it and hopefully they'll fall for it. And Sam can get himself out of school. Before he spent one day there I made sure he knew at least seven ways to get out with no one seeing him. Even if they are watching the school, there's no way they'll spot him. If we can do this early enough they won't catch on until you're out of the county. They'll see him go to school tomorrow and come back home and they'll see me here waiting for him. Won't be any reason for them to think we'll do anything different on Tuesday. We can arrange a spot where he can meet you on your way out of town with the car. Just hide him good, Bobby. Don't have him in the cab with you. If they see him we're all fucked."

"I reckon I can work out both of those things. But damn it, boy, I don't like leaving you there."

"Trust me, Bobby. I'll be a lot better off with Sam gone than with him here." That's the truth as far as Dean was concerned. If the fucking cops didn't have Sam to threaten him with, there was no way he was doing anything for any of them. If they came for him it would be fucking on. He'd take out as many as he had to and anything that got near his mouth would be something the cops had better be able to do without. If he could slip away while the cops were watching the house, he might even be able to get out of town in a truck or hop a passing train and meet up with Bobby and Sam later on. Hell, if he was really lucky Dad would call and he'd be able to meet up with him. He was pretty sure his luck wouldn't run to more than getting him out of town, if it even stretched that far. "When do you think you can be here?"

"I'm not too far away, but I'll have to arrange the paperwork and the truck. I can be there Tuesday morning with the truck, but I can be there tonight without it. Give me directions to your house and I can at least share watch with you. I'll stake out the stake out and you can get some sleep. You sound like you're coming down with a cold and you'll need your rest. I'll call you when I'm in position."

Dean wanted to tell Bobby not to come, that he was o.k., but the truth was he wouldn't be able to stay awake all night and it wasn't safe for Sam or himself if he fell asleep. He knew he'd need his strength in the morning when he told Sam the plan. Sam wasn't going to like leaving Dean alone while he goes to school and he wasn't going to like leaving Dean while he goes with Bobby. It was going to be a fight, but it's one Dean thinks he can win.  It's not like he's not going to be right behind Sam and Bobby getting out of town. Dean gave Bobby directions and got up for another cup of coffee before settling back to wait for help to come. When the phone rang two hours later Dean got up and shook Sam awake..

"What?" Sam's voice muttered out sleepily. Then more aware. "Dean, what is it?"

"Bobby called. He's here keeping watch outside. Go back to sleep. He'll call if they move." Dean hesitated for a moment. "Shove over," he muttered and climbed into bed with Sam, staying as far away from him as he could and still stay on the bed. If Bobby does call Sam would be right there with him, both of them armed. Besides, he was sure Sam didn't want to be alone any more than he did. And if they both sleep better, maybe the next few days wouldn't seem so impossible to pull off.

Part 4

hurt!dean, bobby, sam, non-con, nc/17, dean/omc's

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