
Aug 02, 2010 08:32

Title: Methods
Pairing:  evil!Sam/Dean
Rating: NC/17
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer:  SPN belongs to the CW and Kripke.  I just play for fun.
Summary:   When Sam wants things a certain way, that's how they're going to be.
Warnings:  This is a very dark series.  Sam has no redeeming characteristics. Dean's existence is one of pain and torture at Sam's hand. 
A/N:  Eighth drabble in the Acoustics 'verse.  First drabble can be found here:  Acoustics

Sometimes Sam’s methodical, following a progression- A to B to C.  Usually it gets him where he needs to be, but tonight Dean’s not cooperating.

You need to try harder, he whispers and Dean lets out a moan, but it’s low, breathy, not at all what Sam wants.

Sam brands Dean’s nipple and gets more volume, but it’s still not right.  He moves lower, sucking on Dean’s  burned, bloody cock and balls.  The sound he gets then is better and he smiles, pressing the iron to Dean’s sac.

Time to take it up an octave, brother- then another, and another…..

Next: One

hurt!dean, acoustics 'verse, evil!sam/dean, dark!fic, wincest, drabble, torture, nc/17, non-con

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