Title: Lineage
Characters: Dean, Jacob, Mark of Cain
Genre: Gen
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: The Stynes go back a long way. The Winchesters go back further.
A/N: Tag to 10.18, so spoilers.
Killthemkillthemkillthemkillthem. Dean concedes it’s probable, but, information first. A thumb traces the Mark and rage shivers, followed by a dark undercurrent of amusement. A back road nothing. Someone doesn’t do their homework.
No arguing with that. A centuries old family of bad guys who don’t know Dean definitely hasn’t been keeping up with current events. They’re children. Your lineage is the one to be feared.
Laughter echoes. Weak. We could beg to differ, but our references are all unequivocally deceased.
Dean bows his head. Lures Jacob closer. Mark or no, the Winchesters will blow the Stynes right off the map.