roxymissrose This is another one that just thrills me to be answering. Because I'm still kind of shocked that I'm writing anything at all. I've never been a writer. Back in school it was never anything that interested me and when I was assigned writing it was never anything that would catch your attention as even passably good.
Then, one day, I found TWOP and through it, the Supernatural fandom. Now if any of you have spent any time on the TWOP SPN boards you probably found it a hive of scum and villainy a place where Sam!girl/Dean!girl wars were born. So....I followed a link to a story on LJ and found my place. I devoured SPN fanfic like a ravenous person and then read some more. I resisted the 'cest for long short time but then I dove in and found the kinkmeme. And a prompt for Sam being a werewolf and doing bad things to Dean. So, I thought, I'm gonna give that a try. And, about a zillion comment boxes later (not posting anything to my journal at that time, I just had it so I could comment and didn't know how to link), Sam's Time of the Month came into being. And as I was posting it, people were COMMENTING. And they LIKED it. So I filled another one. And another. And then I branched out to....het. And then non kinkmeme stuff and, gasp, gen. And then drabbles. And I love writing so much now that I don't think I'll ever stop.
But that's not really answering the question, I don't think. So I'll go a little further. I've always written fanfiction in my head. Xander and Blair and Daniel Jackson and so many others that I watched and loved always got extra storylines in my imagination. When I found a place to actually let those stories out to play? Heaven. And having characters like the ones SPN has given us to play with? Ambrosia. And having my stories now be passably good? I can't even say how wonderful that feels.
It's what I write. I hope someday to get original stories out of my brain, and I managed a few for a class I took, but my fanfic hones skills I don't even really have. When people talk about writing I'm totally out of my depth. I just know what I like and I write it. And I think I'm getting better. So...a lot of things motivate me to write fanfic. And I'm really happy that they do.