Inevitable (Acoustics 'Verse)

Mar 19, 2013 23:11

Title: Inevitable
Pairing: Evil!Sam/Dean
Rating NC/17
Genre: slash
Word Count: 100
Summary:  Sam’s riding a high like none he’s ever known

A/N:  Warnings:  This is a very dark series.  Sam has no redeeming characteristics.  Dean's life is one of rape and torture at his brother's hand. There are non-con elements in every story.   Artwork is graphic and definitely not safe for work.
A/N:  This is part of the beginning of Acoustics.  If you're just starting out, or need a refresher you should start with Switches and follow the links from there both to the later and earlier drabbles.
Banner by the amazing  amber1960

Sam’s riding a high like none he’s ever known, every movement precisely timed; exquisitely executed. His body is a precision instrument, perfectly calibrated to Dean’s. Sex with Jessica had been fantastic, sure, but Sam never dreamed it could be this good. Each and every nerve ending is shivering with ecstasy as his muscles bunch and release, each contraction driving him deeper into his brother.

Dean’s skin is slick with his own semen and Sam’s come a dozen brutal times. The sensations surrounding him are overwhelming and Sam fights to keep his focus squarely where it belongs: his brother’s inevitable destruction.

Next: Something New

sam/dean, hurt!dean, acoustics 'verse, bottom!dean, evil!sam, non-con, wincest, dark!fic, evil!sam/dean, rape, dark sam, drabble, dean, first time, nc/17, sam

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