Five Drabbles

Dec 21, 2012 22:37

The roadhouse is closed; floors swept, kitchen cleaned, the last of her would be suitors out the door.  Bill’s been gone just over seven months and the list of fools who think she can’t get by without a man to run things is lengthy.

Her baby girl’s asleep in the back room.  A shot of whiskey chases another beer before Ellen brings her upstairs.

Title: Play
Characters: Sam, Meg
Genre: Gen
Rating: Pg
Summary:  Sam was awake for some of it.
Tag to Born Under a Bad Sign
Prompts: Sam, Meg, shotgun

Sam’s screaming, battering at the wall keeping him caged inside his head.  He doesn’t know what’s worse; Meg locking him away from what his body is doing or allowing him a front row seat to its atrocities.

How should we do it?  Should we blow his head off with the shotgun as soon as he walks through the door?  Sam hurls himself against the demon’s barriers, but it’s like wrestling the ocean.  Or we could screw with him for a while.  What do you think, Sammy?  Want to play?

Meg laughs at Sam’s terrified anger.  Okay, then.  Play it is.

Title:  A Hole in the World
Character: Missouri
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Summary:  Missouri can't see the future.
Prompt: Missouri, tornado

Missouri can’t see the future.  Her vision shows only the present and right now it senses a deadly storm brewing.  There aren’t any sirens wailing, but every Kansan worth their salt would be heading for the cellar if they could feel what she felt.

There’s a hole where Dean Winchester used to be, in the world and in his brother.  Dean’s gone, sucked into a roiling black cloud that destroys far more thoroughly than any tornado.  That same darkness swirls through Sam, threatening to overshadow his very humanity.

The air is oppressive; expectant.  It feels like the end of everything.

Title: Coming Home to Roost

Characters: Benny, Dean
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Summary:  Dean regrets ever wishing for a slice of pie.
Prompts: Dean, Benny, cake vs. pie

“Oh, I disagree,” Benny drawls, “my momma used to make a Christmas cake that no pie could ever rival.”

Dean’s stomach twists in on itself and he regrets ever wishing for a slice of pie.  If he’d just kept his mouth shut this stupid debate wouldn’t still be raging while the flesh slowly melts off his bones.

“Rum was the key ingredient,” Benny goes on obliviously and bile rises in Dean’s throat.  There’s not much here that’s edible and there’s definitely no booze.  The lifetime of abuse he heaped upon his body is coming home to roost with a vengeance.

gen, benny, meg, bobby, pisode tag, drabble, dean, pg-13, sam, missouri, pg, ellen

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