A Good Start (Acoustics 'Verse)

Aug 13, 2012 07:46

Title: A Good Start
Pairing: Evil!Sam/Dean
Genre: slash
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Summary:  Sam built the room for a reason.
A/N:  A/N:  Warnings:  This is a very dark series.  Sam has no redeeming characteristics.  Dean's life is one of pain and torture at his brother's hand.  Artwork is graphic and definitely not safe for work.
A/N:  This is part of the beginning of Acoustics.  If you're just starting out, or need a refresher you should start with Switches  and follow the links from there.
Banner by the amazing  amber1960

Dean's t-shirt is soaked, maddeningly outlining every muscle and Sam wants it gone now.  With a thought, it vanishes and Sam's hands slide over hot, slick skin until his fingers brush Dean's nipples.

Sam ignores his brother's harsh pleas, bending to scrape the sensitive nubs between his teeth, sucking them to hardened peaks.  Dean's moaning, low and drawn out like wind twisting through a cave and Sam pauses for a moment to let the sensation fill him.

Built this place just to hear the beautiful sounds you'd make for me, baby, he murmurs.  You're off to such a good start.

Next: Aware

sam/dean, acoustics 'verse, bottom!dean, evil!sam/dean, dark!fic, wincest, evil!sam, drabble, dean, rating: r, first time, non-con, sam

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