Breathless (Acoustics 'Verse)

May 21, 2012 11:11

Dean’s struggles have weakened, but Sam’s not fooled.  The second he relaxes, Dean will make his move and then Sam will show him just how futile resistance is.  He releases Dean’s mouth; inhales his breathless curses.

The room’s still too clean; too quiet.  It’s time for the real fun to start.

Next: Quiet

acoustics 'verse, evil!sam/dean, dark!fic, wincest, evil!sam, drabble, dominance, dean, rating: r, first time, non-con, sam

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jaysawyer May 21 2012, 19:46:26 UTC
Oh Mommy mommy mommy DEEAAANNNN! He doesn't really get it yet does he? This is what I meant about the absence of Dean's perspective - it just ratchets up the fear/dread factor so much, because the reader sort of IS Dean. Sam's gonna make a move - and we all have to brace ourselves... We're gonna love/hate it; Dean's gonna hate'hate it, unless Sam deems it otherwise. *exhausted kinky sigh*
Okay, okay. I admit the drabbles are awesome, the right way to go. I'm just so selfish and twisted that I would have preferred...maybe, encyclopaedia volumes for each stage. Either way, thanks Torture Guru. Love love love and can't wait til next Monday.


tifaching May 21 2012, 20:26:13 UTC
The reader sort of is Dean. I never thought of it that way.

Dean's gonna hate/hate it, oh yes he is. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be to write something consecutive like this in drabbles. A nice long encyclopedic volume of torture would have been much easier. Or not. My long overdue slave exchange fic is almost up to 30K. I think that might satisfy your need for long bouts of tortured Dean. If I ever get if finished, that is.

You are welcome, grasshopper. Next Monday it is!


amberdreams May 21 2012, 20:50:28 UTC
you will finish slavefic you will finish slavefic you will finish slavefic you will finish slavefic...
Can you tell I spent part of the weekend in the company of a Dalek?


tifaching May 21 2012, 20:52:47 UTC
Hahahaa! I'm hearing it in Dalek voice now. I will finish slavefic I will finish slavefic. That's going to haunt me now until I get it done.

Thanks for that inspiration!


amberdreams May 21 2012, 21:07:07 UTC
he he you're welcome. And if you don't crack on, I have Dalek pics I can haunt you with. I stroked one this weekend and you can't get much scarier than that.


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