Another new semester

Jan 22, 2008 11:45

My classes have begun again, and so once again my life returns to a status of near-constant busy-ness.  A problem that I forsee developing is that there is sooo much reading that will be required for these classes and the class topics are similar enough that I'm going to start getting the readings confused. And there is a lot of reading. The Philosophy class is going to be the most maddening. The topic of the class is so new that the only real text book that the prof could find for us is a textbook that is used in medical school. I thought I was smart, but this will be a challenge.

I'm feeling like a bit of a jerk now. With several hundred pages to read each week and with classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays - I'm pretty busy on Wednesday nights. That said, Eric has been playing hockey every Wednesday night at the YWCA. Last week he told me that the other guys' girlfriends come out and watch them - cheer them on - etc. Well I don't want to do that. I have too much to do. Does that make me selfish? I guess that makes me selfish. I suppose that I could take some of my reading along to do while I was there, but how much of it would I really obsorb? Besides, I'd be much more comfortable reading at home in the peace and quiet there. I don't know. Maybe I should try to get it all done early so I can go on Wednesdays? Am I over thinking this? 
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