Arthur/Gwen Thing-a-Thon 2010!

Jan 07, 2010 23:01


The Arthur/Gwen Thing-A-Thon 2010!

eta: 12th January 2010 - Sign-up are closed!

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Comments 18

tielan January 7 2010, 12:11:18 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Tielan - tielan
Email address: tielan @
What you can give: fic; art - graphics, icons, wallpaper; a vid
Give up to rating: anything up to NC-17
What you'd like to receive;: fic
Receive up to rating: only up to PG-13

Prompt/Request 1: Arthur and Merlin are trapped by an enemy they can't defeat, and Gwen must in to save the day! Bonus points if you somehow include Morgana, and Gaius being mother-hen-ish!
Prompt/Request 2: "Four things greater than all things are, - Women and Horses and Power and War" ~Rudyard Kipling~
Prompt/Request 3: hot steel and cold

Do not want: non-con, BDSM, helpless!Gwen, soppily romantic Arthur or Gwen.
Any other things the organiser(s) should know?: Not that I can think of.
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: Yes.


mancalahour January 7 2010, 12:55:47 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Friends call me N. mancalahour works too ;).
Email address:
What you can give: Icons, wallpapers, headers.
Give up to rating: It's difficult to make graphics that are NC17, but I wouldn't mind a challenge.
What you'd like to receive;: Fic.
Receive up to rating: NC17

Prompt/Request 1: The villain wants to take down camelot and use Guinevere to do it. Kidnapping/poison/anything that works, I'm not picky! Just...Gwen in danger, please!
Prompt/Request 2: Some kind of sickness has waged war on Camelot, and those who aren't sick, are quarantined in the Great Hall. Like a slumber party with Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, Gaius, and Uther. Extra points for Morgana.
Prompt/Request 3: A Valentines Day Lupercalia of sorts, with dancing and dark corners for wicked deeds!

Do not want: Incest, bestiality, and...that about covers it.
Any other general things the organiser should know?: Nope.
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: Sure!


neptune47 January 7 2010, 13:28:15 UTC
YAY! I Thing-A-Thon! Quick question - drawings were mentioned in the description, but not the options. They're still okay as gifts, right?

Name/LJ Name: neptune47
Email address: colonelpepper
What you can give: drawings, vids
Give up to rating: R
What you'd like to receive;: any kind of graphics (especially photomanips), vid, fic
Receive up to rating: Anything is fine

Prompt/Request 1: Something inspired by one or all of these songs (because BSG music + Merlin would be EPIC)--
1. Kara Remembers
2. Violence and Variations
3. The Dance
Prompt/Request 2: Somehow incorporate Igraine (and/or her relationship with Uther) into an A/G fanwork
Prompt/Request 3: Take some part of the Arthurian Legend that has not yet been incorporated into the show and Merlin-ify it.

Do not want: Fluffy fics -- sorry, I prefer things dark, angsty, or cracked out :). For graphics, anything is fine!
Any other general things the organiser should know?: Nope. Thanks for setting this up!
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: Wish I could, but no time!


tielan January 12 2010, 08:36:09 UTC
Oh, sure, drawings are fine! Sorry, I didn't notice your comment until now!


charmx_serenity January 7 2010, 13:44:27 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Jessica || charmx_serenity
Email address:
What you can give: Fic (though, I'm advising you, I'm not particularly good), Artwork (can't draw. I can make icons/gifs/banners/blends/headers/wallpapers/manips) and videos.
Give up to rating: Considering it's not legal (and I would probably have no idea what to write/do anyways), PG-15 (I saw a rating like this. I guess this is a rating that accepts a smoking hot kiss without lemons.)
What you'd like to receive;: Fic or Video or Art
Receive up to rating: Only up to PG-15 (I can still take innuendos and subtleties and I certainly wouldn't mind a hot kiss.)

Prompt/Request 1: Songfic to In Her Eyes by Josh Groban. (It's such a perfect A/G song.)
Prompt/Request 2: A video to Pieces by Red OR just a generally angsty artwork/video.
Prompt/Request 3: (Inspired by a comment I read) A fic/video depicting Gwen's inner turmoil about the triangle and ultimately depicting how in the end, she always comes back to Arthur.

Do not want: SLASH (or anything Merlin/Arthur implied). Too ( ... )


blackmamba_esq January 7 2010, 15:33:34 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Rejena/ blackmamba_esq
Email address:
What you can give: Fic
Give up to rating: NC-17+
What you'd like to receive;: Fic
Receive up to rating: NC-17+

Prompt/Request 1: An story based on The More Loving One by W.H. Auden. Can be future!fic or the present.
Prompt/Request 2:
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. (Louis de Bernières)
Prompt/Request 3: An A/U fic based on Greek mythology. Ex. being Gwen as Aphrodite and Uther as Zeus, etc. Or taking one of the myths and revamping it to fit the Merlin world. Bonus points for a tragic ending or tons and tons of smutty funny.

Do not want: Pregnancy fic, non-con (dubcon okay so long as it's female friendly), Gwen in peril, man-tears, sweet!mature!wise!sappy!Arthur, Uther as the main obstacle between them, ( ... )


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