Arthur/Gwen Thing-a-Thon 2010!

Jan 07, 2010 23:01


The Arthur/Gwen Thing-A-Thon 2010!

eta: 12th January 2010 - Sign-up are closed!

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charmx_serenity January 7 2010, 13:44:27 UTC
Name/LJ Name: Jessica || charmx_serenity
Email address:
What you can give: Fic (though, I'm advising you, I'm not particularly good), Artwork (can't draw. I can make icons/gifs/banners/blends/headers/wallpapers/manips) and videos.
Give up to rating: Considering it's not legal (and I would probably have no idea what to write/do anyways), PG-15 (I saw a rating like this. I guess this is a rating that accepts a smoking hot kiss without lemons.)
What you'd like to receive;: Fic or Video or Art
Receive up to rating: Only up to PG-15 (I can still take innuendos and subtleties and I certainly wouldn't mind a hot kiss.)

Prompt/Request 1: Songfic to In Her Eyes by Josh Groban. (It's such a perfect A/G song.)
Prompt/Request 2: A video to Pieces by Red OR just a generally angsty artwork/video.
Prompt/Request 3: (Inspired by a comment I read) A fic/video depicting Gwen's inner turmoil about the triangle and ultimately depicting how in the end, she always comes back to Arthur.

Do not want: SLASH (or anything Merlin/Arthur implied). Too much fluff. Sappy!Arthur. Damsel-in-distress!Gwen. (But I certainly want some Merlin/Morgana implied.)
Any other general things the organiser should know?: Nope.
Would you pinch-hit if needed?: SURE! ♥


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