Tumultuous Reveries and
Unwise - John/Teyla and John, Teyla - G
Two short fics, some descriptive, concise writing. I'd love to see a further elaboration of the second ficlet Unwise - to see the author put it into the context of a longer action-adventure story. Something focused on John hunting down Ronon, and Teyla hunting down John and helping him, either with his knowledge or without it. Or the two of them having a full-on argument in the middle of the pouring rain, only to discover that Ronon's hunting them. Teyla pulls John out of the cave and into the pouring rain, away from Rodney's hearing. "This is ridiculous, John," she hisses, brushing water out of her eyes. "It is unwise to go after Ronon in this weather, nor is it wise to go by yourself."
After The Siege - Rodney/Radek - PG-13
Rodney and Radek shut up in a room to R&R after the Siege. Premise is a little obvious, but the discussion between Rodney and Radek is worth reading - well, Rodney's thoughts on himself and bisexuality and how they relate to Radek. Mischeivous!Radek is unusual, but I really can see David Nykl playing Zelenka with a wicked grin.Carson had warned them it wouldn't be pleasant, but somehow he'd managed to leave out a few minor details. Oh, he'd covered the nausea, the jitteriness, the migraines, but something about the soul-eating desperation of dear God, please let it end? Yeah, Carson had left that part out, oddly enough.