SGA Santa - more recs

Dec 20, 2007 21:09

Season For All Things - team - PG13
Utterly brilliant team-fic - the real-deal. It's poetic, it's well-written, descriptive, and beautifully draws out all the characters the way I adore seeing team-fic being done. So very completely my favourite story so far.The wind howls like it’s hungry for a fight and Ronon gives it exactly what it wants, hunching his shoulders and pushing forward.

Defender - John, Rodney, Sam - PG-13
Action-adventure, good suspense and drama."May I have your attention, please? This is Colonel Carter. Colonel Sheppard is to be considered an immediate and serious threat to the security of the city."

My Kingdom For a ZPM, But I'd Settle For a Bicycle - John, Teyla - PG
This has a 'moderately high crack quotient' according but is hilarious reading for the crack quotient. I wouldn't mind seeing this author write seriously, though - they've got a great way of putting things.If there was such a thing as a list of bad ideas for Gate travelers, stepping into an innocuous-looking stone circle would be approximately number 17 on the list, right after criticizing the fashion sense of a Goa'uld and somewhere before pressing mysterious red buttons not previously cleared by the resident archaeologist/linguist/designated common-sense person.

show: sga, recs

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