Mar 03, 2019 21:37
Had a chat with last year's coach in Team 3.
Apparently 'someone' (it turned out to be a friend's husband) was asking if they were planning to split the team up. But while we're getting a few new people, and probably won't be allowed to keep several of the better players, a core group of the old team will be staying in Team 3.
Coach 3 asked if I wanted to stay in 3 or go up to 2, if I had a preference, if it would bother me if I was put in one but wanted the other.
I basically told him "I'm good wherever the coaches think I'm needed".
Apparently, all I needed was someone to recognise that I could probably be put into Team 2 to be content with being in either Team 2 or Team 3...
Although, really, Team 3 will be easier on the body.