Jan 14, 2004 03:26
lol people are great... ok so I went to Haggens... in line in front of me are 5 college students with 75 bucks worth of beer and beer like things... totally stoned off their fucking asses and rambling on about the LOTR movies. I tossed down my tiny haggens keychain card -keychain and this guy stops dead mid word...
Stoner guy: *turns to me looking hella pissed or something* "yo dawg! that card looks JUST LIKE MINE!!!"
me: *mumbles something about how they all look alot a like*
Stoned guy: "yo DAWG! I said it looks just like *MINE*... I DINK DAT IS MINE!" *shakes his fist holding his card at me*
Cashier: "calm down sir"
me: "yeah. oh by the way isnt that your card in your hand?"
stoned guy: "OH SHIT! I HAVE DEEN LOOKIN' FOR TAT FOR LIKE...................."
*9-10 seconds later*
me: "for like what?"
stoner: "hell if I know...." *walks off ignoring cashier telling him he left his 4 some dollars change*
In other news Happy Birthday PixieQueen! (I know it was yesterday, I called/messaged yesterday {which I received confirmation of already}, I am just updating today...)
All my computers now glow a wonderful blue.... or more blue in one case... :D even my mice are glow blue... *pictures may follow*
So I have been off and on quite depressive lately which isn't fun. I dropped Economics because it is useless and sucks.
I am officially a gadget whore now... I ran my monthly food/spending money into the dirt in the first 10 days of the month... though I got pretty fucking good deals on the stuff.
My sleep schedule has been totally fucked lately... (07:30) Fall asleep, (08:45) wake up to freaky dream that I never remember, (09:00) collapse back asleep (10:00), get up for school. <- would be a common example...
Time to stare at the ceiling for several hours watching the colored blobs do battle... maybe I will get a good 5 hours of sleep to hold back the blobs for a good 24H.
Your friend, Tiedyeguy.