Ok ok ok, yes I watched Ace Ventura last night, so sue me.
Called my recruiter this morning at 0930, he said that Salem should be sending my waiver tonight and I should find out tomorrow when I will be going back to MEPS, hopefully my recruiter will push for this thursday, I want to ream on the guys at MEPS and see if I can swing getting shipped on the 13th lol, doubt that will happen but whatever, its all good, the next one after that will be sometime around the 27th so I will be out of here by the end of this month no matter what.
So gotta remember to call him back tomorrow at 1000, I'll probably call him at 0945 just to be a pain in the ass and be early for the call like I always am (can't help it, I am getting impatient and getting happier and happier that the time is coming for basic training)
Anyway, just a quick update, hope ya'll are doing well,
sappersgt and
soldiergrrrl I got yer emails, if anyone else reading this wants to keep in touch then email me at
tiedupliving@yahoo.com and give me your snail mail addy so you can get a postcard from me.
Love Ya All,