gaaah my life!

Sep 10, 2007 08:53

Last night I was talking to Justine on aim, when out of nowhere a blue screen comes on for like a second and then illegally shuts down.  I try to turn it back on,  and it goes through my password prompt and everything, but then freezes up as it tries to load the different programs.  I tired this two or three more times and the same thing happened.  A few hours later, I tried to turn it on, and it wouldn't even go on!  So now my stupid laptop is out of commission until I can find a poor soul to come look at it and fix it.  If it is even fixable, that is.

Thankfully I do have a brand new laptop waiting for me at home, all for the low price of $0 because of the Dell Replaceplant Plan Warranty my parents got.  However, if the computer were not free, I would probably NOT be getting another Dell.  Our desktop has had problems and my laptop barley made it through last year.  I'm a little worried that in a few years, the same thing will happen with this new one.

Well, at least it is free. I'm still bitter beyond belief though because if it isn't fixable, what do I do without a computer for two weeks?  I have important files on there that aren't backed up yet, papers I need, music I need.  I also need it to do homework on! I really do not feel like staying at SCS until 11:30 at night just to complete my HW, especially when I have to be out of my apt by 8:30 in order to find a place to park for tomorrow night.  Plus it's just a huge inconvience to not have a computer in my apartment.  Yes, if I need to check my email quickly, I can use Michelle's, but I can't stay on it for three hours like I would do with Lauren's when mine wasn't working last year.

Oh, and even if I TRIED to call Dell, I probably wouldn't get anywhere.  They probably have on file that I already have a  replacement computer, so they won't help me with this one.  Annnd, I can't get home until the weekend of the 22nd, because I have recruitment next weekend and classes during the week.

I'm also still absolutley exausted from this weekend.
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