Sep 22, 2005 21:03
Well, I'm a little late on this, but this is really the first time I've had the chance to post. So, this week was very interesting...but I'm just going to discuss Monday...THE DAY I GAVE BLOOD!!!!!
Well, it started off wonderful, the lady asked me completely random, and very odd questions, mostly making sure I didn't have any STD's, or any blood disease...and of course, I don't.
So, I sit down in the chair, and the lady puts the needle into my arm. I was doing fine, and didn't feel any pain. Then the blood just stopped coming out after about 5 seconds. The lady was confused, and thus, began to move the needle in and out, to try to find where the vein was. I watched her do this, and became lightheaded, not to mention, it wasn't too comfortable. So, I started to pass out, and told the lady, and they leaned me back, and all was well...NOT!
So then, 2 other ladies come over, and they give it a shot to draw blood. They move my arm, and shift the vein around. Then one lady figures it may have shfted, or maybe it was flowing the other way, so she turns the needle (while it was still in my arm) all the way around, so it faced the opposite direction. Well, after all this, and more fiddling, the ladies seemed stumped.
One comments "I don't know whats wrong, his veins are large, the blood should be very easy to get." She proceeds to feel around my arm, pushing at veins in y arm. The other ladies follow suite. Then comes the revelation, as stated by one of the ladies: "I think you may have hit a smaller vein or missed, because his big vein is over here", she said as the poked at a very obviously pertrusive vein to the right of the needle. Then the experience was over, And I, having given hardly any blood, and very little sympathy, and a lot of pain, after only 15 minutes of torture that seemed like an eternity. And I thought I was impervious to pain...
So then, I decide to try my hand at missing marching band, seeing as how my arm was killing me, and I had given half a pint (although not much, still 1/12 of my total blood), and they said not to do strenuous activities for the rest of the day. Mr. Young didn't think I had a viable excuse. He said "Just don't do pushups or squats. You don't march with your hands, do you?" I guess I had forgotten that you didn't need blood to march, just feet....
Well, that was my interesting Monday, well, at least part of it. And also, I didn't get anything from the blood people, no bracelt, or bobblehead... I guess you have to give them blood, in order for them to oblige you with a gift...oh well.
Peace and love, people...and thanks for enduring through this blog, which is possibly the longest, and most disturbing in livejournal history.