several orders of business.

Jun 30, 2004 12:41

First of all, I'm not as depressed and melodramatic as I sound. Breakups are just hard. So is getting fired, getting your car totaled by a hit and run driver and having insurance not collect, one of your best friends giving away your kitten, and not being able to see some of your friends because your ex boyfriend is too upset to even see you. I miss him too, for chrissake. he was my best friend. but this is a ridiculous thing to put on livejournal. At any rate, sorry if my posts have been giving you headaches or making you think I was fifteen years old or something, I just havent had anything worthwhile to say because honestly, this summer blows.
It blows so much that I'm just going to give up everything and go to fucking college in the fall, and I'm actually excited about that. It isn't Paris, but it's a fresh start.

Secondly, I got a stuffed Unicorn named Gamorrah and when you squeeze him he says "HAIL SATAN, DEVOURER OF WORLDS" and I've just got to say that he rules and your stupid teddy bear sucks and no I'm not five, I'm just metal as fuck. (mettler. shannon. cut my hair I love you.)

Thirdly, I sort of want to organize a protest around media buildings like the fox news building or something, because I just can't believe the lack of coverage that a lot of ridiculously important shit has gotten. Like them trying to reinstate the draft, with higher education not as an option of escape, and canada agreeing to spit you back out. Voting for Bush means voting to have your friends and family thrown into a war that has been lied about from the very beginning. theyre just slipping that in and when they whip the wool of the people's eyes in the spring, they'll just say "hell, you voted for the kid." if you're interested, you should read Gore's speech from last week...I'm just aghast that the media doesn't pay attention to all of our rights just being swindled away. Our founding fathers were fucking geniuses, and this product of nepotism is taking a sledgehammer to the checks and balances that were set against his power. But...I don't really know how to do this so if you want to help, please let me know because I'm serious. I got fired i don't have anything important to do; whenever.

okay guys. neat.
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