
Oct 26, 2005 11:50

I'm feeling a bit melancholy today. Maybe its because I haven't eaten. Maybe it's because I tried something yesterday that didn't work out. (Even the subtlest rejection never suits anyone, does it.)
I finally saw Pink Flamingos the other day. Cripes!!! I wasn't expecting all that. I was like, "Sorry John Waters, even you can't get away with rape, incest, and bloody dead chickens on screen." Overall, the movie was funny -the way that all John Waters movies are outrageously funny- but when all was said and done, I felt kinda dirty... the bad kind of dirty.
I saw The Tiger Lillies on cable last night. They did a few songs from Shockheaded Peter as well as other stuff.I was in heaven. Counter tenors make me SO happy.
Since I'm just over 12 weeks on T, I figured I might start doing monthly updates now, instead of bi-weekly. I was going to update today, but suffice it to say that except for the plummeting tone of my voice, the changes I've been noticing lately are definitely TMI.
I've really been thinking of adding a "transition" filter for T updtes.

Man! This entry sucks! I'm gonna go eat and clean and get myself in a better mood.


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