0.06 Fourth Wall Event [Audio]

Mar 20, 2010 22:05

Ironhide. You wanted to know if there were any movies of your world, didn't you?

Well...whenever you want to see them.

[And that's all he's saying about that]


[Yes, he's still trying to make sense of this place. Humor him.]

Has anyone estimated a head count, yet? I've heard from around that "this" should be over soon, but what does that mean? Are the newcomers sent home? I mean, that seems like it would be a great waste of energy, to transport so many people here, outfit them with communicators, and then send them home or. Well. Where ever it is that we go.

...Are the new passengers even what "this" is?

I don't know, it just seems like an influx of millions of people - some of which we might recognize - would be a good, chaotic distraction, if you had the energy to do so. More than a bit excessive, maybe, but...well, still. And then, of course, there are those videos, the books, that song...


...And, of course, there's always the chance of the captain simply being bored, as has been mentioned. Repeatedly.

*event, beat my head in with my own staff..., then it all explodes, gdit physics don't work like that!, it's because i'm the purple one isn't it

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