[Closed Commentlog]

Mar 19, 2010 21:45

[Don had it in good confidence that Mike was going to be up here, skating, which was why he'd wandered from the lower decks to the top.]

[He knew when he screwed up. And he knew when just saying, "I'm sorry," wasn't going to cut it. Which was why he'd done some stealth work on Mike's skateboard to reinforce the board, give it better balance, and to add a few careful adjustments that made it near soundless against deck flooring and lessened Mike's chances of working those around him into a homicidal rage when he insisted on skating indoors.]

[It wouldn't be hard to find Mike, but Don wouldn't make any real effort to get his attention once he did. He'd be far more likely to stand discreetly in the background, arms crossed over his chest while trying not to look uncomfortable. Just to check that the adjustments were actually working, though Mike could believe that he had just gotten bored and had wandered up to watch, if he wanted.]

socially awkward turtle is a go, in trouble, then it all explodes, it's because i'm the purple one isn't it, *commentlog, -mikey

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