0.04 [Audio]

Feb 12, 2010 12:24

Erm, hello, everybody. Especially to the recently arrived.

[Metal clanks and scrapes gently together in the background. Don sounds somewhat distracted]

I wanted to ask if there was anywhere on this boat with enough water - aside from the caves; I don't care what you say, Mike - to make for a good swimming venue? It doesn't seem so farfetched as to imagine there would be, considering everything else they have here, but I can't say I've actually gone looking for on-

[He cuts himself off with a quiet hiss of pain at the same moment there's a distinctly unpleasent sound of metal crashing and hitting flesh. Don grumbles, voice moving away from the mouthpiece]

Oh, for the love of. All right, all right, I won't try that again, sheesh.

[There's the sound of things begin moved for for a few seconds, and some unintelligable mumbles, then:] Oh, right, this is on...oops.

Anyway, thanks for your time and I hope you're all doing well. Now, if you'll excuse me...

-chris, -leo, -omega, turtles: reptiles of the order blahbl-, -herz, then it all explodes, -ironhide, hello i am a giant nerd, sometimes science is great and good an-, -mikey, everything is normal gdit

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