All people are selfish arrogant individuals that are only focused on personal gain. That’s the vibe I get when people talk about getting vaccinated or not. On paper, the idea of protecting ourselves with a high enough vaccination rates sounds great, but for a reason unknown to me, a good number of people are not on board. The sacrifice of the few for the good of the majority must be a weak concept to those who refuse the vaccination.
Littering is comparable to these recurring measles outbreaks. The general consensus is that littering is unwanted so the majority don’t litter. The same applies to measles as there is a small number of people who refuse to deposit their garbage into the proper receptacle. You can’t stop these people with your cries of help. They’re not ignorant, they’re full aware of the repercussion of a low vaccination rate.
The minority are probably right and that these vaccinations from our alien brothers are decreasing our fertility. That or I'm confusing the real world with an episode from SG-1. I blame the microwaves. =)