Sense of Doom: *falling, falling, RISING, falling...*

Oct 12, 2006 22:16

I finished my response paper for Yeats class (on Michael Robartes and the Dancer), in which I pretty much said 'here are all the things that don't make sense to me.' It was basically a series of questions about issues that run through the poems but are never resolved...

I had such a hard time writing it, being as exhausted and intimidated as I was. But I did it... I read it in class... and the professor actually really, really liked it. And for once, I actually enjoyed that class. Go me.

It's now 4:20, and I'm supposed to meet my group at 5 in the library about our paper on Mark that's due Monday in NT. I'm supposed to have my section (analysis of chapters 1-5 on how Christ is contrasted to the actual rulers/leaders of the time period) all typed up so they can read it and we can talk things through and write the introduction/conclusion and decide how to put it all together. Or something. Except that I'm not going to have my section all typed up and pretty for them to read, because I just do not have time. I have the analysis done, but it's all in list/note form. So...I'll talk to them about what I have, explain that I had two other extremely stressful papers to write this week, but that we can/will still make this work. (So there.)

Othere than that, I hope I don't die this weekend. Because I have to read 510 pages of The History of Tom Jones by Tuesday, along with the usual pile of Yeats reading and a good chunk of poetry to read for 17th c. The Mark paper is due Monday, I have to turn in my Yeats journal on Tuesday, and I have a Very Important Paper for 17th c. due Thursday that I have not yet started.

So crap.

BUT. I will survive. And I will prevail.
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