(no subject)

Oct 10, 2006 21:06

Just so you all know, I am such a fangirl of pork and apple pie. Seriously. That stuff rocks. And there's lots and lots and lots of it leftover (feel free to filch, o roomies that I love!) (...um, yes, that's all of you).

My group's performance of Act IV from The Duchess of Malfi was quite a hit, and a heckuvalotta fun. (*snickers* 'heckuvalotta'). It included dancing as madmen with creepy chants and recorders, a dead hand with a spider ring, a giant teddybear as stand-in for a supposedly dead husband, a strobe light, me dressed as an old man, and the strangling to two people and two (smaller) teddybears (including Edgar, but he understands) with neckties. I got to wear devil-horns. It was a great time.

I also finally met with my New Testament paper group yesterday morning, since class was cancelled. They'd basically decided that my idea should be the paper. *grin* I love it when people see things my way. (well...when I'm actually right, anyway.) I have to have a "paper" written of my analysis of the first 5 chapters of Mark for when we meet on Thursday. This is all feeling much less doomful than I anticipated.

Life in general is actually feeling much, much less doomful. This is a very, very good thing.

Now I just need to write the paper on Beauty ("No land in sight. Swim harder.") that's due tomorrow by 5, and the response paper I have to present in Yeats class on Thursday, not to mention the Semi-Big Paper on either Donne or Jonson (not sure yet) due next Thursday.

And then there's also Shakespeare.


But no more Doom! *does the anti-doom dance*

papers, classes, pork and apple pie, life, random dances

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