Sod it all

Jun 22, 2006 17:06

Not a happy camper.

Landscaper #1 sent his minions to screw us over again yesterday while David and I were at the Lair.

We'd arranged that the workers were to put in three pallets of sod in the railroad tie outlined area out in front of our front door.

Landscaper #1 wanted to put in four, but my father insisted; three. No mas.

Well, if my Father overestimated a bit, then Landscaper #1 (who supposedly does this for a living) must be on crack. Or he's really, really screwing people for fun and profit.

The workers finished off the portion out in front of the front door and then had what looks like at least another half a pallet. They had two checks from us totalling out to about $2k. You'd think they'd have at least one phone number and would call to see what we wanted done with the remainder.

Oh no.

Like the broom and bucket scene from Fantasia, these sod layers had their marching orders. So they laid all they had wherever they though needed it until they were out.

Instead of two marginally easy to water areas, we came home to two marginally easy to water areas and two additional patches that would be kinda hit or miss in places that didn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense.

So, David's at work and then dining with his Father.

I'm moving sod. And inventing new compound curse words in German.
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