Among the Fallen the Chosen Rise Prologue

Oct 22, 2008 19:23

Title: Among the Fallen the Chosen Rise Prologue - Character Info

Author: thyluvlyname212

Length: Chaptered - 2/?

Genre: Romance, fantasy, slightly religious, drama, bits of comedy and action.

Rating: PG 13…?

Pairing: Yunho x OC,  YunJae, YooMin, JunSu x OC,

Guests: SuJu, Zhang Li Yin, BoA, CSJH, and two of my real friends

Summary: Thousands of years ago, after Lucifer lost to God, the other fallen

Angels wandered around Earth, wondering how to survive. A very selected

few found the secret. Now, generations later their kind still exists, forever

condemned to be chained to Earth. This is the story of their descendents.

Among the Fallen the Chosen Rise Character Info:


JJ = Zheus Hero (supposed to be king) - lightning & weather in general

YH = Hades Yun Ho (King of Underworld & Olympia) - controls the dead

JS = Poseidon/Apollo Xiah - water, then of sun & music

YC = Dionysus Micky - alcohol…human physical manipulation also; uses vines & ivy

CM = Aeolus Max - controls wind, air, etc.

BoA = Eris Boa (goddess of strife) causes misery, mental pain

Jang Ri In = Athena Rin - wise, skilled in weaving (makes ropes out of anything

Long & thin), & good @ fighting

Lee Jang Mi = Vhenus (Also Herah & Persephone) Rosaline

[queen] - fighting, slight elemental control, royal authority over others besides

YH. {author’s main OC}

Lee Jang Yoon = Vhulcan Romulus - pyrotelekinetic [dies later on]

{twin of author’s OC}


Lee Teuk = Morpheus Lee Teuk - animates humans

Kang In = Hercules Kang In - strength

Dong Hae = Nereus/Poseidon Dong Hae - water

Eun Hyuk = Merchury Eun Hyuk - flight, speed, messanger

Han Kyung = Phobetor Han Kyung - manipulates/controls animals

Shin Dong = Adephagius/Paean Shin Dong - gluttony (distraction), later healer

Shi Won = Phantasos Shi Won - animates/manipulates inanimate things

Sung Min = Hemerus Sung Min - daylight/sun, manipulates light

Ryeo Wook = Caerus Ryeo Wook - controls luck of others & self

Ki Bum = Adrasteio Ki Bum - personifies fears & uses that

Kyu Hyun = Metisus Kyu Hyun - telepathy & telekinesis

Ye Sung = Khronos Ye Sung - manipulates time

Hee Chul = Vhulcan Hee Chul - pyrotelekinetic

SNSD - The Muses

Tae Yeon = Polyhymnia Tae Yeon - Chief muse & of song

Sunny = Urania Sunny - muse of astronomy

Tiffany = Thalia Tiffany - muse of comedy

Yuri = Erahto Yuri - muse of erotic poetry

Hyo Yeon = Terpsichore Hyo Yeon - muse of dance

Jessica = Calliope Jessica - muse of epic/heroic poetry

Yoon Ha = Melpomene Yoon Ha - muse of tragedy

Soo Young = Clio Soo Young - muse of history

Seo Hyun = Euterpe Seo Hyun - muse of music & lyrical poetry

CJSH - The Graces

Aglaea Lina = Grace of Beauty (mind manipulation)

Eupherosyne Dana = Grace of Happiness (mood manipulation/control)

Hegemone Sunday = Grace of vegetation (manipulation of elements)

Pasithea Stephanie = Grace of “sight”


Soo Jung = Cassandra Soo Jung - can see any being in their true form, & see

their true emotions of what that being feels

Jee Un = Iris Jee Un - connects humans to the Fallen, controls sea & sky,

also causes misfortune to others at will.

characters: yunjae characters:yoomin cha

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