
Jul 11, 2008 09:26

My last night shift on Wednesday, was quite a load this week. I had just arrived on the floor and in the first 20 minutes of my shift, I experience my first code (blue). For those not in the know, a code blue is when a patient crashes. Stops breathing, no pulse, heart stops, etc. Seeing this was my first I quickly came up to observe. When a code blue is called, everyone literally drops whatever it is they are doing, grab the crash cart and move directly to the patient's room and starts life saving measures. What made this case a fiasco, was the husband apparently did not have power of attorney of his wife's care. When he called, he had said that his wife was a Code. However when we looked at the chart, she was not a code, just Hospice and comfort measures. So the nurses were trying to revive this woman for 5 minutes, while the charge nurse had to confirm course of action. In the end she was a comfort measures and a no-code. They called it right before they started. Seeing all that was actually amazing. Just seeing everyone at work trying to save a life, and also to see what death is like in a hospital setting. Granted, I have seen a couple of patients pass on, but not quite like this.


Is it bad that my mind occasionally wanders into the territory of past potential companionships?
For that matter, how close was it?

Just curious is all.


I want to buy things.


Just save it for a rainy day overseas.
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