Teen Arrested for Counterstrike Map In a world gone mad...a Chinese high school student in Fort Bend Texas is arrested and then forced to attend an alternative education center when parents discover he has created a Counterstrike level based off of Clements High School for he and his friends to play on. The student had his home searched for weapons, was detained until it was determined no charges could be filed, and is now unable to graduate with his peers, all because of his mapmaking skills.
Oh wait, it was completely founded. He had swords. Thank god we stopped him before he went medieval.
I can understand folks being a bit jumpy in the wake of the Virginia Tech incident, but whatever happened to just...I dunno, talking to the guy? Asking him what his intentions were. Seeing if maybe he'd take it down? There are better ways to safeguard ourselves then having police ransack a teenagers bedroom. What a complete nightmare.
Now the Chinese community of Fort Bend is rallying support for the unjustly punished young man, trying to get him reinstated in class, or at the very least trying to get the school board to admit they might have gone too far. As one community member says, "We should teach our children not to judge others harshly." What exactly are we teaching or children these days?
Twenty-two years ago a teacher caught me drawing him with an arrow through his head and made me stand next to his desk holding the picture for a half hour while my fellow students made faces at me. How far we've come. Michael Fahey
There's always one isn't there? *headdesk*