We've got foxes in the garden :) They started to appear a few weeks ago and we wondered where they were coming from, so a closer inspection of the area revealed a den underneath the old shed. Of course you can't actually see into it properly but there's a large hole at the ground in the front which wasn't there before. There's a mother and about four cubs, one of which is a lot braver and naughtier than the others and regularly runs down towards the house, much to the dismay of mother who ends up chasing after him everytime he misbehaves! They haven't really been coming out much except in the mornings and (annoyingly) in the early hours, because their presence sets off the security lights! This afternoon they all appeared when mum and I were having lunch, so I quickly dashed to get a camera and take a few photos:
This is one of the better behaved cubs who tends to stay close to mum at the back of the garden.
Hi mum! I waved at one of the cubs and then she seemed to come out, as if the cub had told her that the humans were watching them :P
Then the cubs bravely followed her out into the open.
This is the mischievous cub, he's right down at the bottom of the garden near the house, he actually came quite close to me at one point but I had the camera zoom right up so I couldn't get a shot of him at that range.
Mr Mischievous playing with another of the cubs. He's slightly greyer than the others and a lot skinnier, I wonder if he's perhaps a little younger than the rest or perhaps he just misbehaves so much he loses out on food rations as mother's punishment!
I don't know how long they'll stay around here, but hopefully I can get some better shots sometime :)