C-line thoughts

May 02, 2006 18:35

Have you ever noticed how when you sit down to write something poetic or inspiring, you usually just sit, staring at the blinking cursor, as if the words will just pop out and write themselves? I'm in one of those states right now.

I wanted to write something about Caroline. How much she means to me. But I can't find the words. Perhaps there are no words for it. She's my best friend. My bleching buddy. My snuggler. The little spoon to my big. The Rose to my Charlie. She puts things in perspective for me. There's no one else that I can picture myself marrying (when applicable), or raising kids, or puppies and kittens, or hell, even farting on the couch with. I want to take her to Graceland and Hawaii, that way she can be with me when I see the places I've wanted to my whole life. And I'd love to go to Mexico with her, that way she can show me all the places she's been to down there, and everything that she's seen. I want to travel, and sit on a back porch rocking swing with her, smacking our gums about those damn bass thumpers. I want us to still get excited over making fruit smoothies and popscicles, over dragshows and free movies. Perhaps one day we'll waddle down to the family video and rent the 1st season of L word for old times sake.

Ahh....I can't wait to finish our lives together. Waking up to her every morning is the greatest thing God has ever given me. :)
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