The concert was AMAZING!!!!! The company was pretty good, too. ;) I sang at the top of my lungs, shouted "I LOVE YOU!" at least twice...all in all, it was an awesome time. After the concert was over, he invited the audience to come join them out back so they could meet us. Caroline and I waited for about 2 1/2 hours, and then he came out. He shook my hand first and said hello. :D I about died. I had him sign my grocery list, and we took a picture with him:
I couldn't think of anything to say, except that I was a huge fan. He touched my arm and said "thank you". He's a genuine guy, and he's really down to earth. After I left the crowd, I started to hyperventilate, and then I started to cry from pure happiness. Caroline just smiled and hugged me, and she said that these high school girls were smiling at me as well. ^__^
I honestly don't know how 2006 could get any better for me! I'm living with Caroline, my reduction is coming up, and I MET CHRIS CARRABBA!!!
Hands Down, this is the best year I can ever remember!!!!