Disclaimer: Possibly mentally traumatic. Read (and click) at own risk.

Jul 25, 2006 01:54

Grr. Jumptowners are evil.

While i'm doing a gamespam, here're some other time wasters:

  • Geek Quest - Gwen was playing this one night last week and I stopped in just as she was coming to a standstill and we managed to get to the point where we thought we had it perfect - we made a pretty good team, actually. It is kind of like an Escape the Room in that you had one final goal, and all the smaller puzzles you were solving were working towards that goal, but unlike an Escape the Room you had to solve all of the puzzles perfectly before even attempting to accomplish the goal - and that accomplishment is easier said than done, of course. No plan survives first contact with the enemy - or the puzzle, in this case - intact. We managed all the puzzles, ran the final procedure, and ran into one of those adjustments but didn't have time to make it.

    But anyway - the next day, I wandered through the internet and found some familiar old games:

  • Anode & Cathode - no, this has nothing to do with Chemisery. Though the first time I played this year - I played this a long, long time ago with Sandy, along with most of the other games posted below - it was the day after I helped Gwen with Chemistry. Electrochemistry, to be exact. Anodes and Cathodes, indeed.

  • Mystery of Time and Space - I managed this in 45 minutes when I played it a few days ago...as opposed to, what, 3 weeks the first time Sandy and I tried it...though then again it was probably less since it only had 5 levels or so back then. Every time a new level came up and we saw it, we'd take another day or two to clear it, so the net time might be in the vicinity of 3 weeks. We eventually memorised all the steps - or I did, anyway, I don't know about her. Except for the frelling green wall. I don't have a good enough brain to clear things like that without a lot of trial and error.

  • Crimson, Viridian, White Rooms - This is the home of what are possibly some of the most evil Escape the Room games out there. The second one (and the third, to a certain extent) are frelling creepy, on top of being annoying as all hell.

  • Escape: The Room - Sandy and I went through a brief period of Escape the Room games, and this was one of the ones I found again when the Geek Quest one was brought to my attention and I delved back into the world of Completely Frustrating But Ridiculously Addictive internet games.

  • Escape Flooded Room - yep, same genre of game, only with a time limit on. Kinda.

  • The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy - *smirk*

  • Gridlock - Ah, the game that started it all. Cheesy linked this to Sandy and I, which resulted in so much headdesking and swearing that we decided he should not go unpunished for inflicting it on us. And then we went and found more online games to play like the good little masochists we are.

    To quote Sandy: "Only attempt if you are already insane". Define insanity? If OChem is starting to make sense. We both did so much better high (or low) on OChem. Something about twisting the brain into studying and understanding OChem makes it more malleable for use on Gridlock.

  • notpr0n - and, of course, the infamous, the notorious, the insanity-inducing...the grandpa dragon of all online games, notpr0n. 'Tis evil incarnate, I swear.
There used to be a site full of random internet games that we found the first time. I should see if I can find that one again, it was really good, had reviews on over 50 games and was updated pretty regularly.

...Can't find it. :( But found some similar. The following is a hodge podge mix of archives, lists and review pages:

CrystalNewMedia - the Gridlock people - there aren't actually any more games other than Gridlock, I don't think, though.
Mousebreaker - this link is to Hapland, but try the link with the kitten picture - so sadistically enjoyable. :D
Home of the Trogdor xD - 'nuff said.
Jay Is Games
A Complete Waste of Time
Another List
And A Third
And the last

Also, for simple stress relief:
Poke the Penguin - 'pokepokepokepokepokeKABOOM' xD


In other news, I now have blisters on hands from my first attempt at golf in 5 years. All things considered, it went really well. I think I actually did better than I did back then. Something to do with learning to dance and learning to see how things are interrelated, I think. Growing up, essentially.

We attempted to make banana bread without the bananas and ended up with cinnamon raisin rock cake. Trying again tomorrow, this time with bananas, most fortunately. And perhaps some raisins and chocolate chips too...

Interesting article that validates our geekiness. :D Except for me, of course. >< Since I'm not geeky enough or smart enough to make use of my supposed geekiness...

Also, went to Nanyang Family Concert Saturday night...and ended up onstage as part of the audience participation. *wry grin* As I said then, I've never ended up onstage in 5 years of Dunman High School Concerts (being in an ECA like Air Rifle helps, I only ever ended up onstage to get awards :D), but I show up once to a Nanyang concert and get dragged onstage. Right. I feel like I should feel guilty or something. :D

But watching Gwen and her Wushers perform was really cool, and makes me want to pick up martial arts again. Which is going to be next to impossible since she's already done it and is good at it. But we'll see. It was a very interesting contrast next to the dancers and reciters and orchestras, though...suddenly a gang of girls shows up waving spears and swords and being generally very scary whether armed or not. Gwen looked rather like she was about to kill something, and any boyfriend these girls might have should be shown the DVD of the performance - they don't need older brothers to defend them, nosir! :D

I really, really want to learn Latin. *still apropos of nothing*

Oh, and this stuff sounds scary. Is it familiar, Sandy? xD

Done with the randomness now. Sleepy, despite 3 hour nap this evening. And have major headache. So sleeping soon.

latin, random, games, funny, family, nostalgia, geekery, friends, baking

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