cant sleep .. my <3 is speakinq toO loudly

Jul 15, 2004 05:28

ahHa .. i really like my subject//title thinq its cute lol .. well cant sleep as i saif lol another words i cant qet mariO off my mind and i wanna put quotes bout him .. noOo* stealinq my fellow necroSz! : ]

mariO<3 ..

iM sO cOnFuSeD aNd aS oDd aS ThiS mAy sEeM
oNe tHiNq tHaT mAkEs mE PoSiTiVe aBoUt YoU iS
ThAt WhEn i SeE tHe oThEr NiGqAs .. sUrE -- mY EYES sToP
bUt wHeN i SeE yOu [[ mYy WhOLe WORLD sToPs ]]

iM yOuR LoVeAbLe sHoRtii .. iM tELLiN yOu bOo
i CaNt wAiT 2 bE tHa quRL yOu qiVe yA LaSt nAmE tO

wHeN i WaS a LiTtLe qiRL tHe StOrY aLwAyS wAs
"sOmEbOdY WiLL sWeEp yOu oFf yOuR fEeT sOmEdAy"
tHaTs WhAt i hAd HoPeD wOuLd HaPpEn w. yOu
LiTtLe DiD i kNoW .. tHaT yOu`D mAkE mY dReAmS cOmE tRuE

iN eVeRy qiRLs pAsT tHeReS aLwAyS *tHaT sUmMeR* wHeRe iT TRULY bEqAn .. aNd tHe -bOyY- wHo bEcAmE hEr [[MaN]] .. pOpPa suMmEr `o4 is aLL bOut us <33

iF i HaD nOtHiNq bUt yOu ,, iD sTiLL hAvE E-v-E-r-Y-t-H-i-N-q*

ohhmyyqodd i love mario soO much! haha im soO corny w. all this shit but I LOVE HIM and this is my way of expressinq it when hes not around ; ] .. i wish he was here. i cant wait 2 see him aqain! ahhh today was soO much fun w. babyy. we had such a qoOd nOn-fiqhtinq day. we qot alonq GREATT and it was perfection* lol why do i feel like im repeatinq myself? ohh yeah cuz i am!! : D lol idc fuck yOu niccccaz this is my journal! lol

i knew you was somethinq special rite from
tha start i knew it by tha way yuo suddenly
stOle my heart, everythinq i say is -t r u e-
i wanna spend forever & a lifetime wit you

i aLwAyS kNeW tHaT iTs iMpOsSiBLe 2 FiNd SoMeOnE wHo wOuLd NeVeR hUrT mE .. i JuSt hAd 2 FiNd sOmEoNe wOrTh tHe HuRt .. i FoUnD tHaT sOmEoNe .. bAby iTs yOu<3 .. aLL oUr bAd mOmEnTs qEt cAnCeLLeD oUt bY tHe pErFeCt* oNeS

tHe mOrE NiCcAs i ChiLL w. tHe mOre i ReALiZe
hOw mUcH yOuR thE oNLy oNe i WaNnA bE w.

wHeN i PuSh yOu AwAy .. dOnT LeAvE
cUz tHaTs wHeN i NeEd yOu tHa mOsT

i WiSh i cOuLd eXpLaiN hOw i FeEL wHeN i HeAr yOuR VoiCe ..
i HaVe 2 fALL iN LoVe .. yOu LeAvE mE w. nO cHoiCe <3

ahh -- thats it for now!! teheh .. i<3myy mariO!! dont ya think!? just a lil bit!?!

<33 ashleiqh taylor tarquinio* tehe ..
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