omq -- qotta love stupid bitches

Jul 05, 2004 02:27

iight well wassup everybody .. i came to my journal 2nite 2 tell you all how awesome my week was .. and i came across somethinq in someones journal that was fuckinq awesome! iight this chick "dirrtychristina" aha .. she pretends shes fuckin christina aquilera .. omq its hysterical -- *im* her and have a conversation, lol she really has herself convinced .. this is why i wanna be a psychologist .. to help poor little children like this .. but anyway she fuckin copies + pastes my survey and starts talkin shit .. like is she for real? okay .. atleast i dont sit on the computer and pass myself off as christina .. like WOW!! cool kidd there -- anyway

HaPpY 4tH oF JuLy .. this morninq my mom woke me up and we all went to the beach .. went on the boat + wave runners ((yeahh so qhetto + poOr riqht "dirrtychristina")) anyway yeah .. played volleyball w. everyone .. lol there were soO many people there .. all my stepdads friends haha it was like all of kinqs park in 1 beach .. coOlnesS .. but last niqht was the best .. went 2 a party at my stepdads friends house in CI .. it was whack at first cuz it was his sons 2nd bday and it was all old people and like babies and shit but it was nice. the whole time my mom was tryna get me 2 drink and for anyone that TRULY knows me --i hate drinkin-- but w.e thennn finally this fine boyy walks in * JoHn * ..his dad plays baseball w. my stepdad and theyre qoOd friends and he like introduced himself he was really nice, then he kept like starinq at me + w.e and he was askin me like what colleqe i qo to im like WHAT!? aha this niqqa thouqht i was in colleqe damnn .. thas wasSup lol. but nah its all qood his x-qurl qoes 2 ma schoOl + shit and he was tellin me how psycho she was lol im not even qonna say her name but damnn these stories were like whoaa i wouldnt even do that shit 2 corey lol but nah he was mad coOl + HE GOT ME 2 DRINK omqq .. i didnt qet drunk tho, just felt sick lol he fuckin made me drink 3 mudslides + 1 strawberry daquiri .. lol + hes 19 and whatnot hes bout 2 be 20 and hes like oHh if you were my aqe youd be my qirl and shit .. he qoes your lucky your not older , im like nah chill im unlucky! haha he was soo coOl lol anyway he qot madd drunk that nite lol he was tellin my stepdad how hott i was + shit + he was like ohh im qonna be your son in law +shit + qreqs like whoaa buddy -- you just met her take it easy! i was like damnn boyy! lol then everyone would be like whos this and he qoes this is the best qirl youll ever meet! i was like aww! lol anyway .. were chillin next sunday [[ cant wait ]] .. hehe erR [(i wish i WAS older)] .. lol

Mario .. oHh boyy .. this is the thinq i hate .. we chill like 1nce a week + then the rest of the time its like i sit here + think bout him .. hes never home : [ .. but hes like really sick .. like we couldnt even kiss whne we chilled .. his face was soo pale + swollen , and he miqht have mono, which means i miqht .. but i dont feel sick whatsoever, i feel so bad for him .. ive never heard him complain bout not feelin qood + he was that niqht .. : [ .. FEEL BETTER<3 but yeah if mario really :loves: me like he says he does, i think we'd be qoin out by now .. lol its been a fuckin year already mann .. oh well // if its meant 2 be it'll happen \\ thats what i qotta remember .. its just he makes me soO happy, idk what it is .. hes the best person ever + i dont wanna lose him .. even as a friend hes the best .. ahh maa i<3u

well anyway .. thats bout it for now .. maybe ill holla laterr if im borEd : ] peace out "dirrtychristina" you fake cunt .. <3 ashLeiiqh <3 xo0o0o0ox

-- > ThUqG MiSz kNoW wHaT i MeAn // MoAn + ScReAm *
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