Sep 01, 2012 10:29
something will work out, something will work out, something WILL work out -.- Stop stressing, and stay away from the brownies.
Down to 10 weeks! 70 days! 1680 hours... and some change ;)
Meeting the officiant tomorrow will hopefully put me in high gear to get stuff done. Chris is working on music in his shrinking spare time, I still have my projects to contend with. I really should be whipping them out while I'm home doing nothing, but I just haven't felt good enough to think I could really focus on anything at all.
I want to surprise him with a new doublet (jerkin?) for War. I have a good chunk of scrap pieces of the fleur-di-lis material I made my masquerade dress from. That dress was not the best project, but I might have a solution. Since it ended up on the short side, thinking of adding a 2 inch or so heavy black material trim around the bottom, and using a braided gold and black cord where the seams meet. This would hide my crappy hem job I did in the tent at War last year, and make it longer ;) i can apply the same principal with making a doublet for him, maybe one that has the patterned material across the upper chest and the rest in black, or maybe the other way around? Problem is I have no plain black cloth, this could be tricky to acquire with money being how it is. But it would give us something nice that matches that isn't what he fights in every day, I think he'd really like it :) We'll see if I can get that in ;) Although I DO need to make him another set of pants anyway... if not two. The poor man has ONE pair of garb pants ;)
I was gifted a sideless surcoat a while back, I think a soft yellow underdress would compliment the color nicely. Don't know if I'll get around to that or not tho. Would be nice. My last dress didn't come out like I had hoped after working SO hard on it, but it was adding the trim that goofed it up. I get so many more compliments on his doublet even thought the seams don't line up than on mine ;)
Must be realistic... War is only 6 weeks away ;) He had wanted to make some badass fighting light armor, sadly I didn't think it was a possibility from the start, and it is appearing more and more to be out of reach :( If we weren't paying for a wedding that would be another story ;) He has the amazing cover for his fighting mask and wanted to make a outfit to match. Materials are SO expensive for what he wants to do though :/
Still debating taking the puppy to War... we'll probably let her stay here with friends, that way one of us isn't constantly having to watch her. I was told I might be able to be partnered with a Marshal and go take pictures of the woods battle! :D I think that would be SO fun, unless you're a fighter that's not something you get to see!
We are hoping (hoping!) to get to Gulf Wars next year. If we do in fact have to cancel our honeymoon, that means we can go down early or stay late and visit his friends in New Orleans and that would be a lot of fun :) I'd REALLY want some new garb for that.
Crud I need to make a new favor... my last one got lost :(
ok so this was more SCA than wedding.. ah well ;)