Aug 14, 2012 14:35
Been a few stressful things going on lately. First, wedding related:
His mom and a mutual friend of ours wanted to throw us a shower, which is super awesonme. I think I already rambled about that. Well, when throwing a party for someone, you work around their schedule first, then the hostess and guests and so on. So they wanted to do it in September. After checking our calanders, we have one saturday that would work, and his mom was ok even suggested that weekend in the first place. She calls a few days later, it's not going to work, and we're not being flexible enough giving her only one day to use. Because it interferes with their season college football tickets. He works three of the five saturdays and there's an SCA event on one of the free one that 90% of who we want to be at the shower have already planned to attend. So she thinks maybe in October (which is almost as crazy as september) and again, we have I think one weekend available, but it'll work. She hadn't said anything about october in the first place so we hadn't even thought about it. Lunch yesterday turned into this very uncomfortable situation with him and his mom arguing over who's not acting like an adult, who's not being reasonable, all that. Chris works. He is the main inflow of cash into our house. He gets penalized for taking a day off since all his vacation time is already on the books for the wedding. Which hurts his ability to get hired on full time, and when he does, his schedule is going to change anyway! And the fact that his mom is putting a football game over her only son's wedding plans is kinda damn hurtful. They're already having to give away tickets for the day of our wedding, apparently two games was too much. They should have thought about this when they bought the tickets A FEW WEEKS AGO. They have our wedding and all the planning and stuff. They have his step sister who is starting college and was very active in highschool with band and stuff, they went to EVERY one of her things, do they not think that she'll continue this with college? it's just poor planning to me. Very frustrating.
Now for work.
No secret, I hate my job. Cleaning houses sucks. The job itself isn't too bad most the time, the pay is crappy though, and the management is awful. Tomorrow will be a month I've worked there. I've been early EVERY DAY. I work hard and even though I'm not as fast as apparently I should be, I'm more detailed and keep finding things NOBODY else is doing. Whatever. The office manager sent the office trainer out on friday to the house we were working on to check on me. After chatting with her (while continuing to work) found out it was because office manager thinks that I'm still a bit slow, and wanted office trainer to see where I could improve. I told office trainer that yes, I'm not surprised about this, seeing as I told her the EXACT SAME THING, on MULTIPLE occasions over the last couple weeks, which was why I didn't think I was ready to be on my own yet. She thought that was kinda funny. Office manager has gotten some horrible news and is a bit out of it at the office, I can't blame her, but today she still pissed me off. I called out yesterday. Our outdoor cat came limping home with a possible snakebite on Sunday, it was looking very much like we'd have to take her to the vet yesterday, so I called in at 6:54 to the number I had in my phone, left a message apologizing that I'd be out that day, explained the situation, I'll see you tomorrow. Never got a call back so figured everything was fine. People do this all the time. So I go in this morning, and office manager looked surprised to see me. She kinda stumbles around the wording for a minute, but finally gets out 'well you were a no call no show yesterday so I terminated you.'
excuse me?
I explained that I did call and left a message. Apparently I didn't call the right number, it was the check in number we call in throughout the day and often there are messages left, so they should have been checked at SOME point. Well I still called the wrong number, they never got the message, and since they have such a high turnover, they assumed I quit with no notice. She asked to see a note from the vet, said I didn't have one with me. I didn't have my phone (damnitall) either or else I could have showed her exactly when and for how long I was on the phone with that number. Phones don't ring for a minute and 14 seconds without going to voicemail. So clearly either I talked to someone (which I didn't) or i left a message. I asked why nobody called to see why I wasn't there, I could have been in an accident or something. Well, it's not their policy, high turnover and all. So because your phone didn't register a minute long voicemail and you were too damn lazy to call someone with a perfect EARLY attendance record, you fired me. They let me work today, I'm thinking she wants me to bring in a note from the vet tomorrow, it's not going to happen. I'm telling Chris about this and I have a feeling he's going to tell me to take my shirts back to them tomorrow and tell them to screw themselves. There's SO much about this company I don't like, the pay, the forced lunch deductions when you don't get to take one, the no-water-in-customer-house even when you're working your ass off rule, it's BS. I don't know if the office trainer told the manager that yes I was still slower but more thorough like she said she was going to, if they were looking for a reason to cut me loose, if there are complaints that I don't know about, who knows. I've been going out of my way to pick up someone every day so she has a ride. I'm always early. I work hard. It's bullshit. Found out today that the lady I've been training with and picking up (she was picked up by someone else since we had a shower for her this morning) that they took money OUT of her paycheck to may for MY mileage. That poor girl was deducted money for NO reason. It's just ridiculous!!!! She told them to screw themselves and she's quitting this week. They had better reimburse her for that, it's SO jacked up. I feel horrible and I had nothing to even do with it!!
gulliver broke a noodle bowl last night jumping off the fridge, meeko got into the trash, Nola peed in her crate and was COVERED in it when I took her out this morning. Had to take a shower I stunk so bad. And it's only Tuesday...