Title: The Fandom Bicycles
Pairings: Kyuhyun/everyone, Jaejoong (DBSK)/everyone, Kyuhyun/Jaejoong
Rating: R
Word count: 1,011
Summary: Kyuhyun and Jaejoong make a bet as to who can fuck more people in Kpop.
A/N: Prompted by
hyungdeul in
kpopficwangst 6.0. Pure crack.
Kyuhyun really is fast - much faster than Jaejoong expects. )
Next round I shall be ninja, I swear to god.
And *dies* I am so so sorry about that. I know it's really annoying when people think that way. sdfkghjsdgj When will people learn that I'm not the only person who writes YeWook?! Jesus.
I actually just thought it was hilarious, because I said to myself before posting "I bet people will think that I'm Sheena now", and I was so right, lol. I don't blame them, though - they know you're on the meme and it's not like I've written a fuckton of YehWook.
TIME TO CHANGE THAT! *runs around cheering you on*
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